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1 1,535 M Little Steps 5
PathStep 1 Compassion hearts172 Forum posts4 Forum upvotes10 Current upvotes10 Age GroupAdult Last activeOctober, 2022 Member sinceSeptember 19, 2022
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Abandonment, medical issues, divorce and depressed.
50 & Over Community / by lsvt
Last post
November 2nd, 2022
...See more I am John, 53 live in Dallas. I currently have a cyst growing on my spinal cord from C2 through t4 that gives me vertigo, pain through mid back all the way up to my head through the shoulders and down my arms. I have migraines daily. Walk with a can or walker, depending on the day. There is more, but wont get into it all. This medical condition has been over 5 years and getting worse. Surgery was suggested, but was told 80% chance of paralysis. I had to medically retire at 50% of my last pay rate, since I could not do my job anymore. Had my 27th wedding anniversary last month, went to the hospital 5 days later due to falling and knocking myself out for over 15 min. Wife decided to pack up her stuff, the kids stuff and leave me while in the hospital. I had to get an Uber home. I found out that she left when I got home. I figured something was up when I was unable to reach her or the kids. The next day I was served with TRO and divorce papers. It has been rough as I am on my own here in the house. It takes forever to do things as I was relying on my wife and my teen children to help me out. Now, I have to rely on Uber to get me to appointments and home delivery to get food. I have been super depressed now for the last 3 weeks. bee to the point of ending it, but have not done that. I have sent a msg a day to the family telling them I love them and miss them with no response from anyone. Not sure what to do anymore. I can not go out with people for fear of falling and not getting back up again. I have been laughed at when I fell in the past. I hate that I have been looked down on because of this by others and now my own family. Sorry for being a little scatter brained here.
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