Please, don't eat less, eat right.
Don't hold it in, it's okay to cry.
Don't hurt yourself, there is always an alternative.
Don't shut yourself away, speak up.
Don't be your own bully, be your own hero.
Don't give up, because you're worth so much more than you think.
I'm usually here in the evening, I live in Italy so my timezone is GMT +1 . Usually from 8pm to 10pm but it may vary.
Hi, I'm glad you found my profile on 7 cups. I'm a 20 year old girl and I love to help people.
I mainly take chats on relationship stress and self harm but I'm open to every topic. I'm okay with sexual issues.
I'm naturally non-judgmental and sensitive.
Click on "Chat now" and we'll begin a chat. I always reply to personal requests.
If I'm busy or offline you can leave me a message and I will generally reply in 12 hours.