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Family & Caregivers / by Tatumallen
Last post
July 20th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone A little background information I am 17 and I live with my dad, step mom and brother. My mom loves in a different state and I only see her once a year for 7 weeks. Me and my mom don't have a good relationship her and my brother are best friends and tell each other everything. Well I only still visit her hoping they our relationship will improve but I've been proved wrong every year since I'm 18 next year im thinking about not even visiting anymore all me and her do is fight and argue. Well this summer I went up there and she has a new boyfriend and all she told me for 7 weeks is how she would rather her bf be with her than me my mom and him live together and he was at work they work together and see each other all the time. Then I was in my room making a gift for my bf and her and her boyfriend came in and dumped ice water all over me and the gift and ruined it and just laughed. I've talked to my mom about everything but she calls me a brat and a disappointment. And today I was with her bf going to surprise my mom and he gives me a lecture on how bad of a daughter I am and how I should be nicer to my mom and how I'm the problem not my mom. I get an attitude with my mom but only because of how she treats me her last boyfriend would body shame me and other stuff and she would just laugh and tell me it was a joke and my mental health got so bad. Every time I visit it gets so bad when I can't do anything I enjoy. I would stop visiting but they are having a new addition to the family and I want a relationship with my new sibling but I can't deal with how I am treated here.
Trauma Support / by Tatumallen
Last post
July 10th, 2023
...See more Hello I just recently opened up to my dad and step mom and a few close friends about my sa that happened when I was 6 years old I'm now 17 I haven't told my mom because we don't have a good relationship. But every summer I go visit my mom and she's living in the same state as the guy who sa'd me and I see him in the stores sometimes and I have panic attacks but I don't know what to do because my sa experience is affecting my relationships I get uncomfortable really easy with people touching me and it kind of gets on my boyfriends nerves a little bit and my friends will make jokes about it and I feel like I'm all alone I have no one to talk to about this my parents said I was 6 so it shouldn't affect me anymore and I feel like I'm just over reacting. I can't go to therapy because I don't have a way to pay for it since I'm 17 and my parents won't let me so I'm just trying to deal with it all alone because no one understands.
Need help deciding if this was Sa
Trauma Support / by Tatumallen
Last post
December 11th, 2022
...See more Tw!! I don't know if this is considered sa, but when I was 6 years old my mom was married to my step dad at the time and I had 3 step brothers and one step sister plus my biological brother. One of my step brothers was always really mean to me he was a teenager at the time. He used to do really mean stuff to me for example he would lock me in his bedroom during a storm when I power was out while I screamed and cried because I was terrified of the dark. But anyway that same step brother asked me and my step sister who was 4 or 5 at the time to come play with him and his friends in mine and her bedroom, I didn't think much of it considering I was 6 and I thought of him as my older brother, but when we all went in there he began touching me and his sister inappropriately and made us take off our clothes and him and his friends kept touching us as we were crying for them to stop and let us go his other friends were always guarding the door so we couldn't leave. They did that for 3 years. Is that considered Sa?
Did I mess up my friendship?
Relationship Stress / by Tatumallen
Last post
April 12th, 2022
...See more Hello everyone I need your guys opinion or tips please. So at school my whole friend group has been fighting fir a while now, and yesterday I made a mistake of sending one of my friends in the group a message. I said that my other friend and me missed hanging out with her and the other girl, but I expressed my concerns about the group I said that everytime me or my friend try to talk to my best friend and the other girl. The other one rolls her eyes and answers for my best friend, I was just asking if it could stay between me and her and not tell the girl who rolls her eyes and doesn't like me hanging out with them. And my bestie is now ignoring me and told the other girl. I was just trying to explain to my best friend why we don't talk much anymore because she expressed her concerns that me and my friend don't hang out with her as much since the drama started. Am I in the wrong? Does anyone know how to help I would appreciate it, thank you!
Friendship drama
Relationship Stress / by Tatumallen
Last post
March 17th, 2022
...See more Hello everyone I need your guys opinion or tips please. So at school my whole friend group has been fighting fir a while now, and yesterday I made a mistake of sending one of my friends in the group a message. I said that my other friend and me missed hanging out with her and the other girl, but I expressed my concerns about the group I said that everytime me or my friend try to talk to my best friend and the other girl. The other one rolls her eyes and answers for my best friend, I was just asking if it could stay between me and her and not tell the girl who rolls her eyes and doesn't like me hanging out with them. And my bestie is now ignoring me and told the other girl. I was just trying to explain to my best friend why we don't talk much anymore because she expressed her concerns that me and my friend don't hang out with her as much since the drama started. Am I in the wrong? Does anyone know how to help I would appreciate it, thank you!
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