My name is Jenna.
Alright, I am going to be fairly straightforward right now. I do not carry with me much experience in many of the situations people may wish to discuss. I have grown up fairly happy in terms of both home and school life, and given my status as a small-town highschooler, I have not been witness to many unfortunate events. That being said, I care so much about people, and have always found myself able to sympathize with anybody (even those who many would deem to be unfitting for sympathy). I cannot promise that I will always know what to say, nor can I promise that I will understand what you are going through. But I will, however, promise that I am here for you.
I will let it be known that I am currently struggling with an eating disorder, and mild social anxiety resulting from my compulsive need for perfection. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community as well.
I am also available to speak with on a topic that doesn't necesarrily revolve around a major issue. Feel free to talk about a good conversation you had with your friend, your homework, etc.