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L Apprentice 2
5 star rating
Number of ratings22 Number of reviews7 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish, Italian Listener sinceDec 10, 2015 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 32 People helped38 Chats144 Forum posts6 Forum upvotes1

| I am available for chat in English and Italian, please specify in what language you want to talk when asking a personal request. Sono disponibile per chat in Italiano, per favore specificate che volete parlare in italiano qunado fate richiesta di chattare con me, così non vi accolgo in inglese :) |

Hello! I'm really glad you found 7 cups ad I hope it will help you. Sometimes life gets hard and demanding, it's important, in those times, to have a safety net, a solid support team. Here, we try to offer you exactly that.

I firmly believe in radical tenderness and in the power of kindness. I ask a lot of questions and sometimes you'll get the impression that we are trying to unravel knot after knot, that's exactly what we'll be doing: uraveling one problem at a time.

I cannot promise you that I'll fix your problems, what I can promise is that I'll do my best to make our chat a safe place for you to let go and unwind, a place in which we can suspend judgement.

The areas in which I have more experience are : depression, family stress and college life

I'm comfotable talking about themes related to sexuality, such as sexual orientation, sexual education and sexual problems, but please respect the site rules: no sexting and no sexual advances.

My time zone is GMT +1, if you want to chat with me and I'm not online, please fell free to leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Ciao! Sono molto contenta che tu abbia trovato 7 cups e spero ti possa essere d'aiuto. Tutti attraversiamo periodi difficili ed in questi momenti è importante avere una squadra di supporters, una specie di rete di sicurezza. E' proprio questo che cerchiamo di offrirvi qui su 7cups. 

Credo che la tenerezza sia un concetto radicale e che la gentilezza sia spesso la soulzione migliore di molti problemi. Faccio un sacco di domande e cerco di affrontare una cosa per volta, un po' come quando bisogna sbrogliare una matassa di fili annodati.

Non posso promettere di risolvere tutti i vostri problemi, ma vi posso garantire che la nostra chat sarà un posto sicuro in cui potrete esprimervi e nessuno vi giudicherà.

I problemi con cui ho più esperienza sono: depressione, problemi familiari e problemi con l'università.

Non ho problemi a discutere di sessualità e problemi in quest'area, purchè siate rispettosi delle regole del sito, cio'è niente sexting o avance sessuali.

Se non sono online, lasciate un messaggio! Vi contatterò appena possibile :) 


Feedback & Reviews
great listener
Amazing person made me feel important and like I was apart of there family
Couldn't ask for more. Thank you. :)
She is love .:)
She is amazing. Much love. And gratitude.
I think angele is really a nice listener, probably one of the best i've come across so far, the way this person addresses any problem, the patience with which this person listens to is commendable. Besides that, the response time is a worthy thing to make a note of.
Just understood how i feel! Thanks alot
Badges & Awards
20 total badges
Jester of Smiles Jump Start Depression Listener Oath Graduate Master Scholar Love Bug Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Grief 2nd Birthday Party Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend Five Steps Hang 10