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Why I am not able to forget my ex even after she dumps me?

Profile: Patronus
Patronus on Jan 28, 2015 more
You can't just forget someone who was important to you. But you'll get over her. I know it sounds cliché, but just take your time and let the wounds heal. You'll feel better, you will.
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Profile: thelisteningbarbie
thelisteningbarbie on Sep 15, 2015 more
Love is like a drug that you become addicted too. Your body will still crave it even after they leave you, it will take time to get over them but I know you can get over her :)
Profile: Mosaed
Mosaed on Jun 30, 2015 more
Time is healer, give it time. indulge yourself in other activities, find where your interest lies, destroy anything that make you think of her and let yourself know, she wasn't worth keeping, she might have left you long after and in that way, it would b such a waste of your time and attention. Be thankful that you are not with such a person.
Profile: Tutunan
Tutunan on Dec 21, 2015 more
Cause you think she is the one for you, open your eyes she has already forgot you most probably so you should do the same thing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 31, 2016 more
It is almost impossible to just forget someone that you loved or had strong feelings for. It is completely normal to feel that way, time will help heal the heart.
Profile: hellopomegranate4772
hellopomegranate4772 on Apr 28, 2015 more
Because you still love her. You can't can't just go from loving someone to not loving them. It will take some time to get over. I understand this is a difficult time but just keep moving. It will get better. You will fall in love again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 14, 2015 more
because she still means something to you, and that is your mind not being able to let go of someone who hurt you
Profile: cheerfulHope11
cheerfulHope11 on Feb 14, 2015 more
Maybe you're trying to hold on to the memories. Try and focus on other things. Other things that won't remind you of her and what had happened. Moving on is never easy so don't try to force yourself to move on. Take all the time you need. But when you tell yourself it's enough, make sure you're not coming back to the memories of the past.
Profile: bestTruth96
bestTruth96 on Jan 27, 2015 more
Sometime we hold on to things or memories that hurt us. Sometime the hurt is so deep it is hard to let go.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 5, 2016 more
After losing someone that close to you, it's hard to forget so quickly. Forgetting about something, or in this case, someone, takes time. A good way to forget is to distract yourself, because otherwise all you'll do is think about what made you happy with your ex instead of making yourself happy in the present.
Profile: WarmEnergy07
WarmEnergy07 on May 30, 2015 more
It takes time to heal the wounds of an ended relationship. Leaning on family and friends around you can heal these wounds temporarily and make you feel better for a period of time, however, forgetting your ex (especially if it was a long term or important relationship to you) will take a while and may never really happen. I was in a long term relationship that ended abruptly and I still remember the feelings of the break-up and the positive feelings of the relationship and its been around 6 years since it ended. Always know that things will get better, and that there are always better relationships nd experiences right around the corner where you least expect it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 6, 2016 more
Because you loved her. And that's alright, you don't have to forget her right now. Everything takes time. Just focus on other things, on things you love doing. Go out with your friends or spend time with your family. There are more other girls in the world and you surely will find another one to fall for in some time. For now, enjoy yourself :)
Profile: FrenchVanilla08
FrenchVanilla08 on Aug 1, 2016 more
I got dumped by my boyfriend, and i still love him and can't forget him. If your relationship was strong, its impossible to just forget her, if you had a really nice cheesecake from the cheesecake factory and maybe like 4 months after you're craving some nice, creamy cheesecake, your first instinct will be the cheesecake you had that was so good at the cheesecake factory, the same with your situation. Whether or not you love(d) her, if your relationship was strong, it would be impossible to forget all the amazing times you had with her, it doesn't matter who dumped who. :)
Profile: zgoodguy
zgoodguy on Jun 18, 2018 more
You still love her...However, do you love yourself enough?It may sound awkward but my friend try to check what is your worthiness.How far you value you have self love?Dont dwell in will find only will haunt you..possess you.Come to the NOW...what is gone is over..begging,,crying..feeling low will lead to destroying yourself.Wake up!! see around you..there are beautiful nice and far better girls and friends who are waiting for you.Seize the moments and refresh your mind..Life is always moving so you must too.All the best you can do are the best,,You are a FIGHTER!!!
Profile: Shelley22
Shelley22 on Mar 22, 2016 more
Maybe you haven't gone over her yet..Eventually time will...Time is the best healer. Let time unfurl what's in your future
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 30, 2015 more
You're letting the memories of the good times dominate your mind. Think of the good things that are happening in the now, not in the past.
Profile: ActiveListener0809
ActiveListener0809 on Aug 31, 2015 more
What are you doing that makes you remember them? Are you trying to do things different to focus your attention elsewhere.
Profile: lonestar87
lonestar87 on Jul 12, 2016 more
When you have been in a relationship with someone and it ends you will spend time grieving. You would have made plans together and had a routine that now has changed because you are not with them. It takes a little time to readjust and find yourself again. Soon you will find yourself feeling happy again andd the feelings fade in time.
Profile: Matchschtick
Matchschtick on Dec 6, 2016 more
A person that has been an integral part of your life is never easy to forget. And truth be told, I don't think one has to 'forget' that person. There are so many things that you might have learned while being with that person - the time with will in my experience always be part of your life, the question is how you choose to look at it, I guess.
Profile: Vronica23
Vronica23 on May 2, 2017 more
When we date someone, they become a huge part of our lives, and our routines. Humans are creatures of habit, so when we go through a break up, it can be incredibly hard to have to change our entire lives without someone that's been present for so long. I think this, along with the fact that you can't just turn off your feelings for someone, can make it feel very hard to let someone go. I think we should remember that it can be done, and while it might feel hard now, it gets so much easier as time passes.
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