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I'm a new parent, how can I keep my cool when my infant won't stop crying?

Profile: Aditi24
Aditi24 on Dec 24, 2014 more
New born infant often seeks close physical contact with the mother. Crying could be one indication of demanding mother's touch. You may therefore consider holding the baby in your arms, closer to your chest when it cries in order to avoid it from weeping constantly.
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Profile: CaitlinRose
CaitlinRose on Nov 13, 2014 more
Take a deep breath, and remember that this is an experience that nearly every new parent has. If you have made sure that they are clean, fed and comfortable, sometimes the best thing you can do is sit with them in a rocking chair and rock with them until they relax.
Profile: Apurvakumar
Apurvakumar on Dec 6, 2014 more
Crying is reflect action. Infants cry when s/he wants attentions, or uncomfortable. Check whether your child has stomach ache, may be hungry or may be infant is seeking your attention. If crying often and not able to figure out, consult pediatrician.
Profile: Chaliercy
Chaliercy on Dec 17, 2014 more
Make sure the child is not hungry or needing something. Don't stress. Babies cry, this is natural. Take care of yourself so you can care for the child. And if you think there is something wrong, please visit the pediatrician.
Profile: Aliebug0630
Aliebug0630 on Dec 29, 2014 more
Simply don't panic. Babies will cry. I recommend you try to go through a check list of what could be wrong 1. diaper 2. Hungry? 3. tired
Profile: bethechange2613
bethechange2613 on May 30, 2015 more
Try taking breaks if the crying becomes to overwhelming, even if you have to the leave the infant in a crib for five minutes it will help keep your cool. Also find some form of physical activity that you can do on a daily basis that will help with your stress levels as well. Never be afraid to ask for help when you have a new born.
Profile: peacefulParadise74
peacefulParadise74 on Nov 15, 2014 more
Having an infant can be very stressful. Put them in a safe place where they can come to no danger ie cot and take ten minutes breather. Call a family or friend to lend a hand or there is a helpline called CRY-SIS that are free 24/7 for advice
Profile: Spiderman93
Spiderman93 on Nov 22, 2014 more
Just remember, you are exactly that, a new parent. You will gain the strength to be able to tolerate the crying before you know it. Babies cry for no reason sometimes. Dont let yourself stress! If it becomes too much, take 10 minutes, relax, breathe! Take a break! The baby may still cry, but thats ok! Its not going to hurt them to cry. Selfcare first!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 8, 2014 more
Ask Jesus for peace and keep calm, your mom went through the same thing and kept you so its time to do the same thing. God want us to love one another so you should love your own baby
Profile: thelightisinside
thelightisinside on Jan 3, 2015 more
Your child needs you. The moments you're about to lose your cool, remember that you're there with him/her and that's the biggest motive for him/her to smile. When you see your little kid smiling, you'll forget about everything else and everything else will be worthy.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 22, 2015 more
Just remember that the baby can't talk. Crying is the only way an infant can communicate to us. If you've fed the baby, changed the baby, just try walking around with the baby or going for a car ride. Notoriously babies love going for rides.
Profile: Chevy81
Chevy81 on May 24, 2015 more
I am moving to another room. Separate myself from him/her for a while (1-2 minutes). Comforting myself and then come back to him/her with a cooled myself.
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 7, 2015 more
It can be overwhelming to be a new parent. But making sure you are prepared before you infant comes too can help. Make sure you have the help that you need if you feel you need a break. Seek help from those around you such as friends and family. If you can't afford a babysitter or help, then use the barter system. Find someone you trust and if they can help you by babysitting for a little while, return the favor and do something for them. You can find a way if you try.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 8, 2015 more
Parenting can be exhausting, but, if possible get enough sleep/rest. When you are tired, your patience is shortened. If your baby cries at the same time every day, which is common, be prepared for that to happen. Whenever possible, pass the infant to someone else, preferably someone of the opposite sex (the other parent)after you have exhausted your resources for making the crying stop. Know that this is a normal part of infancy, and will pass. Do not fault yourself. If you have concerns that the crying is abnormal, consult your physician.
Profile: niceScenery34
niceScenery34 on Sep 15, 2015 more
Take a second to breath. You are the most important thing to your child and it needs you. There is something wrong that your child can't fix or even understand yet. You are the only thing in your child's life that has the power to make it feel content again. If there is obviously nothing wrong just try to sooth them. Seeing you angry or upset will only make them feel more upset.
Profile: Justcallmyname07
Justcallmyname07 on Jan 11, 2016 more
A colicky baby can be a new parents worst nightmare. It's a trying time when your precious child seems to be in distress and you don't know what to do on how to calm them. As difficult as it is for you, imagine how unknowingly hard it is for the baby to be living in this new world. The best thing you can do is stay calm. Try a range of things like feeding, changing, skin to skin time, etc. Consult your Pediatrician if the crying persists for more than 3 hours at a time consistently.
Profile: bubblyDreamer29
bubblyDreamer29 on Jan 14, 2016 more
Relax and stay calm. Take a break if need be and ask someone within the family to help out if you can. There could be a number of reasons why baby is crying, hungry, wet or dirty nappy, colic issues, reflux issues, could be needing to burp etc. If continue then strongly suggest you seek a doctor for further help :) I hope it improves for you.
Profile: Jettalynnn
Jettalynnn on Jan 18, 2016 more
Look for the internal warning signs when you are feeling overwhelmed. When you are feeling stressed, Calm yourself down and step away for a second. NEVER SHAKE A BABY.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jun 28, 2016 more
There is always a reason why your infant is crying. Get your child some professional help if he/she continuously cries for no reason. You are a new parent not a bad parent, you just have to think out of the box and keep cool and calm because you are the adult in the situation. If your baby is not calm and you are not calm that will only make the situation alot worst.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 25, 2016 more
If all their need have been met, it's best to take a break, either having a friend/family come relieve you for a bit, or putting the baby in a safe place and taking a break yourself in a different room to breathe and regain your cool.
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