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Profile: Crimsonknight3
Crimsonknight3 on Nov 15, 2014 more
Personally, I would be as honest (scientifically speaking) as I can without going into too much detail. When you make it more scientific, it takes some of that embarassment away about trying to find the right words
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Profile: Countrygirl101
Countrygirl101 on May 15, 2016 more
I love this question. I was talking to my friend about how I am so straight forward to my daughter about sex. She is 12 years old but I tell her straight out and up what sex is all about. I would rather me tell her than her "friends"to tell her. I don't understand how some parents can be afraid to talk to them about it. I wish someone had talked to me the way I am and do talk to my daughter. I kept saying in my head, "this is my daughter and I love her, I will tell her the truth no matter what"because if they find out you lied about anything, it will hurt them in the long run! I hope you have talked to them because it's better coming from you then someone else :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 20, 2014 more
Just be normal and speak to them in a way thats informative and no gigglish or odd comments about birds and bees...
Profile: Tanya26
Tanya26 on Dec 4, 2014 more
My Mother did this to my sister's and I in a very awkward manner, but I accepted the way that she did it because it could have been much worse. She sat us down and she said, "I know you're getting to the age where you are interested in boys, but please know that if your temptations lead to having intercourse, which is letting the boy stick his privates in your privates, know that you can get pregnant and have a baby at a very young age, or get a disease. Please educate yourselves of what could happen, ask me anything.'
Profile: Beyond
Beyond on Dec 27, 2014 more
Sex is a topic as any other, you shouldn't worry about how to talk with them about it, just make sure they understand the important things such as using a condom. Kids have internet nowadays so they can and probabil will /already looked upon this area of interest in there.
Profile: sunflowermoonx
sunflowermoonx on Jun 1, 2016 more
Put it in terms that they can understand, but be honest. When explaining be sure to keep it together as best as you can, by becoming uncomfortable or embarrassed you may make them feel as though these acts are shameful, which we know they are not. Good luck!
Profile: laurapb
laurapb on Nov 27, 2014 more
Well, the ideal atmosphere would be sometime when you are feeling patient, relaxed and calm. The topic should be treated with maturity and sensibility, as the kids may get a wrong impression. You could get a book's support and just let them know sex is something natural, nothing to be ashamed of but at the same time, you gotta warn them about the risks.
Profile: thewayofwind
thewayofwind on Dec 8, 2014 more
you sit down and explain to them how birth come about there the seaman and ovaries and from the explanation of birth you easy your way into sex.
Profile: ent
ent on Dec 17, 2014 more
well kids now a days have the internet and they find out about it from somewhere or the other, but its your duty to explain the details. You can call your kid and ask him if he knows what is sex,etc that should get everything started
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 18, 2014 more
consider the age. i always tell young parents to consider the age of the child before they talk to them about things. these are kids. they'll make fun of things that are new to them so, yeah.
Profile: katie809
katie809 on Dec 30, 2014 more
Depending on there age you have to tell them the truth don't sugar cot it too much you may be surprised how little they know about it
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 3, 2015 more
It never hurts to surf the web to find ideas about how to make the talk more comfortable for both you and your kids. There are tons of information out there to help you!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 11, 2015 more
First, make sure they are at an age where they can understand what you are explaining. Then, come straight out with it. Let them ask questions also. Just try to make it not as awkward as possible.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 28, 2015 more
its a fact of life, and it must be taking safely and with care otherwise the concecences can be life changing
Profile: LateNightKnitter
LateNightKnitter on Jan 20, 2016 more
Be open and honest with them. Sex is natural but let them know about the safety of it and age concerns, and perhaps why there are limitations such as the legal age. Being open and honest gives children the freedom to explore you with further questions and will allow for a better relationship with yourself to bloom.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 22, 2016 more
It is easy because they trust you. use their trust and your love to them. highlights the points. however it may be a difficult moment for you. take heart and be honest.
Profile: kindPineapple32
kindPineapple32 on Feb 4, 2016 more
Tell your children that sex is a natural function and without sex they wouldn't be here but be sure that u tell them that sex isn't a good thing for young children to be doing
Profile: Moonlight1996
Moonlight1996 on Feb 5, 2016 more
Don't make it a big fancy talk. Instead over time deposit little tidbits of information over time. Also try to listen and understand where your kids are coming from.
Profile: elliejade
elliejade on Feb 10, 2016 more
Read them a book about sex, or show them a suitable documentary on it. Maybe create a presentation for them to look through.
Profile: incredibleHeart91
incredibleHeart91 on Feb 12, 2016 more
Ask about any relationships they have been in and ask if they have had sex before. you must start slowly to make sure they are fine with what is going on and if they are not then try approaching it from another way.
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