My dad likes to touch me. Is this sexual abuse?
Jun 13, 2016 more
Sadly, the majority of sexual abuse happens from people you know.
What makes it *abuse* is that it violates your boundaries, and makes you feel uncomfortable.
Do you feel uncomfortable by the ways your father touches you?
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Aug 5, 2016 more
If he is touching you in inappropriate places like your boobs, your private parts, kissing you passionately on your lips as well as touching your stomach and neck in an unnatural manner then it's definitely sexual abuse and you should report this to someone who trust or a police officer.
Jun 12, 2016 more
It depend on which part does he touch you.i mean like we cant just say it is while we dont know how he touches you
Jun 15, 2016 more
If someone touches you unwillingly, and in a way that you feel uncomfortable, then it is considered sexual abuse. I am sure you probably feel hurt and invaded. There are many support groups that you can join that will provide you with more insight on this.
Jul 6, 2016 more
It depends what you mean. Does he roughly do things to you? Does he hurt you? What does he do when he touches you?
Jun 16, 2016 more
Yes! This is definitely sexual abuse. No one should touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Jul 21, 2016 more
If he touches to far up you leg, on your vagina, on your butt, on your boobs,etc. That's sexual abuse
Mar 13, 2019 more
Since you have not explained in what way or ways he touched you, I would have to assume. Firstly, I am sorry for whatever you're going through. I could only imagine what it must be like, having someone that's suppose to protect you, someone who's supposed to be there for you doing such a thing. Before I can answer this question, we must know what the term "sexual abuse" means. According to Wikipedia, "Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is the undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another" So if your father touches your private parts or touches any part of your body in a sexual way, then yes. I would, therefore, recommend you talk to someone in authority. Preferably a trustworthy person. Don't be afraid if you suspect sexual abuse and please do not take matters into your own hands (i.e revenge) instead, let the relevant authorities take care of this matter. I wish you all the best.
Jun 25, 2016 more
It depends on what it is for. If he touches you to show care and concern or when you're anxious or nervous, that's perfectly fine. But if he touches you for no good reason, and if instead of calming you down it makes you feel uncomfortable, it might be sexual abuse.
Jul 9, 2016 more
Honey you must know there are different kinds of touch a kiss or a hug or things like them are not sexual touching ! But if he is touching private parts of your body no normal dad do that ! U must stop him from doing that and ask an older person for help u in this situation!
Jun 12, 2016 more
I think it really depends on where. If it's usually around your chest or genital area,then that could be considered molestation and you need to tell someone you trust that this is happening
Jun 12, 2016 more
Any unwanted touching that you feel crosses a line is sexual abuse. Contact your local DHR office or someone you trust and tell them what is going on. No parent should touch their child in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
Feb 15, 2017 more
it depends on how your father is touching you. If you're feeling uncomfortable with the way he is touching you tell him.
Jun 11, 2017 more
It depends on what kind of touching. Any touching in your private areas is considered sexual abuse.
Jun 14, 2016 more
If anyone is touching your body in a way that you do not want them to, that is wrong. If asked to stop they ought to stop. This is true for a parent as for anyone.
Jun 15, 2016 more
This is harassment. Telling an adult such as a mother or somebody trusted at school could stop this issue and help you get better.
Mar 29, 2018 more
It depends on the part of the body he touches you and even if it's on appropriate part you need to feel comfortable with it. If he hugs you or just hold your hand, maybe touch your hair and you're comfortable with it, it's okay. If you're not, you need to tell him cause he just might not realise. But if he touches you on inappropriate places, it's a sexual abuse and you need to tell someone. It's not and not easy thing to do, but no one deserve to be a victim of this kind of a behaviour.
Jul 1, 2020 more
It depends where and the way he touches you.
If he hugs around the shoulder, holds hand, gives a pat on the back or on the head, nudges you with his elbow, that's fine, it's just fatherly.
If the way he is touching you is like caressing you and feels sensual and you feel really uncomfortable, it is a form of sexual abuse. Like a spank on the but, or his hands around your waist isn't okay.
Sexual abuse isn't necessarily him touching your sexual parts, it's him touching you inappropriately and you feeling uncomfortable.
If he's touching your private parts, it is definitely sexual abuse.
Jun 24, 2016 more
This depends on where he touches you. If he is trying to sexually stimulate you or himself, then yes.
Jun 29, 2016 more
Sexual maltreatment is touching a minor, inappropriately for the intention of personal sexual gradification.
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