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How to connect a person online with a therapist?

Profile: Remina
Remina on Jul 10, 2016 more
To connect online with a therapist, it is very simple. Click Start Therapy then click Chat with an online therapist. Here's the link
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 5, 2016 more
Say something like, "I'm here for you, but I want you to get the best support possible. There are some trained professionals online you could ask about these struggles; they might have some good advice! Here are some recommendations:,
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 16, 2017 more
If you click on "chat" in the upper lefthand corner, there's a line that reads, "Chat with an Online Therapist."
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jul 8, 2016 more
In 7 cups of tea we have this drop down list that you can click thats called chat. Under the drop down list you will see chat with an online therapist. Click that and look for a therapist that you can chat with.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 7, 2016 more
Give them the link to connect. This will at least give them the option and so thy can see if they want it or need it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 9, 2016 more
You can use the CHAT window on top of the screen and connect with a listener or a trained therapist, who will however charge a fee for every chat.
Profile: CallMeMatheus
CallMeMatheus on Jul 13, 2016 more
Go to the chat tab and select the "connect with online therapist" tab. They are there to help you at any time!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 23, 2016 more
There are directories of therapists online that you can filter by area of counseling, location, or anything else that you think might help the person; here's a link to the one from Psychology Today:
Profile: originalRabbit76
originalRabbit76 on Jul 25, 2016 more
You need to talk to them like how you would a best friend or family member because they want you to interact like that so they can help you
Profile: dontgivein
dontgivein on Jul 27, 2016 more
In my experience, to try and relate to the person, and listen to him instead of giving advice about what you think they should do.
Profile: TheNiceGuy1989
TheNiceGuy1989 on Aug 4, 2016 more
Search the resources on this site or google online therapy and find the best kind of therapist for your conflict
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 27, 2016 more
You just need to push the reffer to a therapist button in your conversation with that member, and they will get the information they need to continue.
Profile: Latinab3lla1
Latinab3lla1 on Sep 15, 2016 more
If you are a listener there is a referral button. If you are not a listener and would like to talk to a therapist. We would love to lead you in the right direction.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2016 more
Recommend them to our therapists here at 7 Cups. They get to still remain anonymous, which is likely what they brought them here anyways.
Profile: peacefairy
peacefairy on Oct 6, 2016 more
To connect I suggest the 7 cups therapist who are available whenever you want them and care of you very well
Profile: Pri009
Pri009 on Oct 12, 2016 more
Use this link: 7Cups has professional therapists available to offer therapy online via chat.
Profile: Abhi3
Abhi3 on Oct 31, 2016 more
Send them this link: :) They can connect with a Therapist through 7 Cups of Tea.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 19, 2016 more
Ask the person if they want to try first. Some of them might be hesitant initially, but connect them with a therapist according to their approval. You can then look up counselling websites that feature experienced, professional therapists. Or even professional therapists on 7cups. Encourage them to the give it a try if they aren't aware of how therapy works.
Profile: peacefulkat
peacefulkat on Apr 5, 2017 more
Opening up to them and letting them know what type of person you are. Accept how they respond to you and be willing to explain yourself when the don't understand.
Profile: supportivePanda99
supportivePanda99 on May 25, 2017 more
There are online therapy options through 7cups. Another option would be to suggest a type of therapy CBT, DBT, art/music, etc. and ask them to use psychiatry today to find/contact a therapist locally. Be there to listen to there experiences and be sure they know that if it's not a good fit they should keep looking.
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