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Is it possible to have a binge eating disorder but still be skinny?

Profile: koreaboo
koreaboo on Jul 12, 2016 more
Of course! Binge eating is when you eat excessively, but you can still be skinny depending on numerous factors such as your genetics or having a fast metabolism.
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Profile: AmberMaddenLPCCEDS
AmberMaddenLPCCEDS on Jun 19, 2018 more
It's absolutely possible! Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by behaviors, NOT weight or body size. Binge Eating Disorder is described as eating more in a given period of time to the point of feeling uncomfortable and even sick. Eating "more" can be compared to other individuals or the time/place in which the episode occurred. For example, eating a little more than usual at holidays (such as Christmas) would not be that out of the ordinary, since most people tend to eat more at some holidays. However, eating to the point of feeling ill and sick daily or even just a few times a week, could be indicative of a problem.
Profile: Georgia
Georgia on Aug 27, 2017 more
This is definitely possible! Eating disorders affect people in different ways. Some people have very fast motabalisms and so even if they have a bing eating disorder, their body remains skinny.
Profile: bravesmiles101
bravesmiles101 on Jul 24, 2016 more
A lot of times, no. One of my friends had B.E.D but was thin, The reason being it wasn't B.E.D anymore, She was exercising constantly, and that made it into a form of bulimia.
Profile: recoveringlistener
recoveringlistener on Feb 1, 2018 more
Absolutely. You can be anorexic and overweight, binge and be underweight, etc. You can be any weight and have any eating disorder. It sometimes seems that we forget it's a mental illness that can sometimes affect you physically. No matter what, you still deserve help!
Profile: Erin12345
Erin12345 on Jul 6, 2016 more
Yes. People are able to have any eating disorder, no matter what their body type is. That's why you can never assume someone has, or doesn't have an eating disorder. If you have an eating disorder, please, go see a doctor, and a therapist for specialized help.
Profile: Pandette
Pandette on Jul 6, 2016
Eating Disorders Expert more
According to, Binge eating disorder is a common eating disorder characterized by three key features: Frequent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating Feeling extremely distressed or upset during or after bingeing Unlike bulimia, there are no regular attempts to “make up” for the binges through vomiting, fasting, or over-exercising Now, with that being said, I have known people who have had binge-eating disorders with incredibly fast metabolisms, which kept them "skinny", but others who would gain weight as well. If you believe you may have a binge-eating disorder, I highly recommend speaking to someone and the 7cups family will always be here to listen!
Profile: CriesFromSmiles123
CriesFromSmiles123 on Jul 19, 2020 more
Let's start with the definition. "Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel unable to stop eating." Just that much, nothing out of that definition! Being skinny, overweight, or with a normal body size doesn't explain if you are eating healthy; are anorexic; struggling with BED, or going through bulimia nervosa. Now, you would ask me, if the weight doesn't define my ED, then what does? To be general, anxiety. Ever heard about coping mechanisms? Acts we do in order to cut ourselves off from our insecurities and worries? Now, I think you are already getting there. Having an ED is waayyyyyyy lesser about your body, then it is about your anxiety. It is a method to cope, just a rather unhealthy one. Now that you know, it is anxiety that gives us ED, there is another question. Who suffers from anxiety? In one word, EVERYONE! Each one of us has been anxious at one point in our lives or the other. So, this alone proves that whatever gender, body size, race, country, or surroundings we are in, everyone has a logical reason to get an ED. And that reason is ANXIETY! In order to search for better coping mechanisms, we need to go through a recovery process. Because the ED voice is stronger than our own. And it's not a person screaming stereotype phrases "Just eat more!" or "It's all in the head!" that is going to change the BS we are cooking in our head, it's a combination of the concrete recovery process, and a stern will power to fight. EDs are tough, messy, filthy, and devastating. And as you all have moved this far, I know you can all do it!!!
Profile: BrandiListens
BrandiListens on Jul 10, 2016 more
Absolutely! Binge eating can happen to anyone of any size. Binging is when someone cannot stop themselves from consuming massive and harmful amounts of food at once. It is also possible to be a binge eater and anorexic. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 6, 2019 more
yes, it is possible to have a binge eating disorder but still be skinny Eating disorders affect people in different ways. Some people have very fast motabalisms and so even if they have a bing eating disorder, their body remains skinny. You can be anorexic and overweight, binge and be underweight, etc. You can be any weight and have any eating disorder. It sometimes seems that we forget it's a mental illness that can sometimes affect you physically. No matter what, you still deserve help. when no matter what you eat you are still not getting fat, it's just the fact that you have a fast metabolism and it keeps you skinny. your organism deals with food extremely well.
Profile: NumberEleven
NumberEleven on Jul 14, 2016 more
Yes, people have different metabolic rates, some people burn off more calories without doing anything.
Profile: AJupiter
AJupiter on Feb 7, 2018 more
it is! yeah, when no matter what you eat you are still not getting fat, it's just the fact that you have a fast metabolism and it keeps you skinny. your organism deals with food extremely well
Profile: silverlemonade
silverlemonade on Jul 7, 2016 more
Yes, it is possible. By definition, binge eating means "compulsion of overeating within a period of time". By that, a person could have binge eating for this week and not eating over the new few weeks. Furthermore, we can't rule out genetic factor affecting one's physical weight.
Profile: verboseIcarus42
verboseIcarus42 on Jul 21, 2016 more
Definitely. Some people with extremely fast metabolisms binge eat and remain thin because their body simply works that way.
Profile: Brittneym101
Brittneym101 on Jul 24, 2016 more
Yes, anyone can have any type of eating disorder you don't have to be a certain size, race and/or age. We all can get them.
Profile: kyralistens
kyralistens on Jul 24, 2016 more
Of course it is possible. Eating disorders do not have a certain size. Eating disorders are defined by a way of thinking and eating habits. Your size does not invalidate your disorder.
Profile: SofiaAddilynn
SofiaAddilynn on Jul 28, 2016 more
It is possible to have binge eating disorder and still be skinny. You could have a very great metabolism, be very active, or not have had the disorder for long.
Profile: GeorgieCunningham
GeorgieCunningham on Sep 2, 2016 more
Absolutely. Its a common misconception that everyone with an eating disorder has the same body type. Bulimics can be heavier-built and binge-eaters can be very skinny. It's not about your body type but about your relationship with food. If you suspect you or someone you know has a binge-eating disorder it;s important to get help, even if they don't 'look' sick.
Profile: Hope
Hope on Mar 2, 2017 more
Yes! it is possible indeed. It is true that the majority of people dealing with binge eating disorder are overweight BUT that doesn't mean a skinny person can't have a binge eating disorder. There can be many reasons why you are skinny even when you have a BED, like, your metabolism is fast or you swing back and forth between anorexia and binge eating disorder or you have cycles where you eat a lot and then you don't eat. Eating disorders are complicated but usually, you don't need to look a certain way to be able to have one.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 10, 2017 more
I do not know I'm really sorry , ask a doctor please , that will help maybe even ask your parents ..
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