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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 28, 2015 more
Cupcakes, Puppies, Kittens, Beaches, Ice Cream, super heroes, comic books, shopping, pictures of ducks with hats on, deep dish pizza, technology, movie night, how funny it is when your best friend does that thing, how sexy it is when your partner does that thing, cereal, balloons, flowers, video games, getting to walk down the aisle, getting to feed a goose, hugs, cuddling, summer storms, horseback riding, skinny dipping, dancing, bonfires, trips to the lake, the book you haven't written yet, counting the stars in the night sky with someone who thinks you hung them there, traveling the world, traveling to space, traveling back in time, french toast in madrid, breakfast burritos in paris, dressing up like someone you aren't, dressing up like someone you are, music you have never heard, books you have never read, ever single job you could ever do, every online course you could ever take. There are trillions and trillions of reasons to live, and absolutely zero logical ones to die. if you need more reasons to live, message me. -MadiAsaHatter
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 6, 2015 more
Mental illness truly is a burden on one's physical, emotional and mental health. It obscures your perception of yourself, others, the world and life in general. A common complaint is "What is the point?"   What is the point of continuing in the dark tunnel when you can't see the light? What's the point of fighting if all you're going to do is wake up and continue fighting? What's the point of living if things are just going to get worse? What is the point. Mental illness blurs your vision and you're no longer able to depict what life used to be like or could be like without the suffering. The illness becomes your entire world, and you lose hope, become unmotivated and most of all unhappy. If there was no bad in the world, what value does the good hold?  Life will always hit a low point, not because of you, not because of your choices or because of your character. No matter who you are or what you've done, there will always be a low point in life - and there most certainly will be very many indeed. But we forget that this is what life is. Life has good and bad. So why do we blame ourselves or other influences when things go wrong? Life will throw everything at you, life will have dips, life will be unfair. But you have the power to change that. See the good in the bad, and you'll soon see a lot less of the bad. It's all about perception and you have the ability to change and shift your universe to what ever you see fit. Live life for the good, bad and the absolutely amazing. The pain only makes you treasure the happiness so much more. And it's the people who have truly suffered who know what happiness truly is. It is the people who had nothing who know what the value of wealth is. It's the people who make mistakes who understand the meaning of success. It's the people who've hit rock bottom, that know how to get to the top. It's the people who were beaten down and wounded that were the strongest ones as they got back up and continued to battle. You are warriors. You are survivors and you are fighting an internal battle.
Profile: amisfit
amisfit on Oct 5, 2016 more
You should keep living because you haven't found the reason to. Once you do, trust me, you'll never want to leave.
Profile: Cielxblu
Cielxblu on Dec 30, 2014 more
Keep living because you matter. You are worth so much more and suicide is just a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Profile: AbeTheOpenhearted
AbeTheOpenhearted on Oct 15, 2016 more
The depression wants you to die. Stay alive just to spite it. Show it you're in charge and it can't destroy you. Let it drag you kicking and screaming to the end if you must, but don't let it win.
Profile: wishfulDreamer58
wishfulDreamer58 on Oct 14, 2016 more
You don't chose life. Life choses you. Just keep going. Everything changes, sometimes imperceptibly, but it does. And you change too. Sometimes imperceptibly. Just keep going. Notice small details. Forget about the big stuff for a while. Give yourself one hour a day when you say, for one hour I will just act and not think. Make an appointment for this time. Set a timer. Take a shower, smell the shampoo feel how nice it is to have clean hair. Eat something simple like an apple very carefully, look at the seeds. Listen to a book. Watch comedy routines on Youtube. Allow yourself to smile or chuckle. After one hour go back to being depressed, or see if maybe just maybe a little more than an hour has passed without a maudlin thought. And think, well look at me! I was all by myself able to stop it for an hour. Be proud of this. It is extremely difficult. Then tomorrow try it again. And the next day. For that "set-aside-my depression-time" try a new thing. doodle a drawing. Iron your clothes, scrub your apartment. Watch motivational videos. Then return to your state of self-loathing ... one day you won't want to. :)
Profile: effy18
effy18 on Feb 15, 2016 more
If you end your life, it's full of what if's. you'll never find out if it actually got better, or what else is in store.
Profile: MachineGKyla
MachineGKyla on Oct 5, 2016 more
Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse, it ends the possibility of it ever getting better
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 24, 2017 more
Just sit for a moment, with your eyes closed, and listen to your beautiful breath...that is you! No one just like you ever lived, or will ever live again. We are all unique souls, no two of us are the same. So please listen to your breath, it is always there to calm you, to remind you of right now. Because right now is what is important. Every moment we have the ability to turn things around breath by breath. Cherish your breath, cherish your unique self.
Profile: Erynn
Erynn on Dec 14, 2014 more
I think a key part of living is hope; realizing it can get better. But, another key part is curiosity. Can you think of one thing you are curious about? The end of a book, the size of this year's pumpkin, what it's like to travel to ___? Having tiny little curiosities can keep you alive for a bit longer. Thinking of people who you care about helps some people. But, if you're struggling to stay alive, I think it's time to see a doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, or call a hotline. There are millions of reasons to keep living. You just have to find one that matters to you, and hold onto it.
Profile: afandishun009
afandishun009 on Sep 15, 2015 more
well remember that after rain comes sun. In spring every plant and trees came back to life again why? because they survived harsh time. Just remember give it some time.
Profile: Alex93
Alex93 on Dec 13, 2014 more
You could achieve so much in your time spent here. Make people happy, Help the people in need, Find someone special that you could make that luckiest person in the world! They could make you the happiest person in the world as well :)
Profile: mysteriousTouch83
mysteriousTouch83 on Aug 3, 2015 more
You should keep living because people care about you. Even if you don't know them. You could have made a massive impact on someone's life and you don't know about it. Stay strong& head up.💜
Profile: mistymountaindreamer
mistymountaindreamer on Jul 19, 2016 more
If you really cannot find anything positive about your own life, move your focus to general things. notice that the sun is shining, birds are singing, the grass is growing. All life is changing, growing and expanding. Just keep your thoughts on these things until you can appreciate something about your own life. just keep appreciating and the feeling of wellbeing will grow.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 12, 2018 more
In my belief (you dont have to take this advice if you don't want to), we keep living to fulfill God's purpose for us. You aren't here by accident. You are created with a purpose. There's hope lying on the cross waiting for you to accept it. Keep on going dear, it's worth it.
Profile: Engineeringhappiness
Engineeringhappiness on Mar 8, 2018 more
because you are precious... you are beautiful and you deserve to be happy... and you have been put here for a purpose
Profile: Univer3e02
Univer3e02 on May 10, 2016 more
Because whilst you may argue that your cloud has no silver lining and only rains, rain makes things grow. And with growth comes hope, and with hope comes happiness
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 23, 2016 more
Life is full of a lot of interesting things, from animals, to experiences you haven't yet experienced. Don't give up, because there are so many things are there waiting for you to have them in your life. The things now can change dynamically in a few years, as long as you are willing to see a better life. You'll be okay, the current situation will not last forever.
Profile: GingerCatGirl
GingerCatGirl on Oct 27, 2016 more
Because suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Most suicidal people don't actually want to die, they just can't see a way out of their problems. I have had suicidal urges myself, many times. The thing that stops me is the impact that it would have on my family and friends. Just think of what your death would do to others. There is hope. Things will get better. You've survived all your worst days so far and you are still here. You are strong.
Profile: Mogsyt
Mogsyt on Apr 1, 2015 more
because my uncle had his life taken away from him when he was 13, millions of kids each day die with no reason and they don't have a choice. you do, you can turn it around. you have the opportunity to live your life to the full , everyone has bad days, weeks,months . as somebody who has tried to commit suicide more than once my reason to keep going, is that i want ti change the world. also if your under 30, you probably haven't heard the funniest joke you will ever hear, if you are over 30 you have yet to tell the funniest joke you have ever told, so just hold on that little longer because death is final.
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