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Is it ok to always depend on this site when you feel down?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 4, 2016 more
Of course that it is, at least it's way better than trying to cope with feeling down with things that are self-destructive (alcohol, drugs, self-harm...). It's okay to search for help online and if you always come here instead of doing something bad to yourself then I'm extremely proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself too. But have on your mind that sometimes you're problems can be really big and that you may need professional help, but if you're not available at the moment to get it, of course that it's okay to come here and just vent and get help.
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Profile: amisfit
amisfit on Jul 2, 2016 more
7Cups Of Tea is a site/app for people who need a shoulder and an ear to lean on and to listen to. If your problems are a little too "bad" then maybe it'll need some professional help, but if it's to listen to then, it's fine. Everyone here on 7Cups really does care about you. We're all here to listen to you. Don't feel bad. Think of this place as a safe heaven :- )
Profile: enigmaticMoment64
enigmaticMoment64 on Jul 16, 2016 more
Problems can be opportunities in all areas of life. I think it's good to use the site when you feel you have noone to listen to you, when you feel cornered, or when you need a neutral space. It is okay and you should feel allowed to find someone to listen to you. However, there is a limit to what the site offers - it follows a specific purpose in a specific kind of interaction, that of listener and member. If you can open up to your friends (maybe even after you talked it over first here, so it is a little easier), or to your family, or other people in your life, you can find a variety of life-enriching support, conversation and discussion. And while we are often suggested that being "down" or sad or angry is "bad" in our personal lives, it can also make us open up and connect with people around us on a deeper level. They tackle areas of our lives, sides of ourselves we don't always show to others. Taking that step takes a good deal of trust, and it can go a long way to connect and feel valued, and it would be a shame if you never connected with those around you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 22, 2017 more
Hmm well this site is a great source of comfort but i don't think that it should be your only source of comfort
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 5, 2016 more
Its absolutely fine to come to this site to get yourself back on your feet, but do not fall in the trap of dependance, never become too dependant on anything. Because you may come to a time in which you cannot access 7 Cups, or 7 Cups may no longer suit your needs. You need multiple methods of coping and have a sense of independence too. Build a support network on 7 Cups, and with the people in your life. This way you will be on your way to recovery.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 10, 2016 more
No, not always. Listeners are not always so consistent with their support and listening skills. A listener might be trying their hardest to assist you, but it might not be what you feel is right for you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 1, 2016 more
We are here to support you whenever you need it and help you get through your situation
Profile: Naturallyhappy00
Naturallyhappy00 on Jul 15, 2016 more
Yes it is okay to depend on this site when you feel down because sometime it's easier to talk to someone that you don't know
Profile: romanticthi3f
romanticthi3f on Nov 22, 2017 more
It's wonderful that you have this site as a resource; that's exactly what it's for! There are always people around who are in the same boat or willing to chat with you. One of the problems with relying on this site though is that sometimes the advice isn't helpful or you need more support then it can provide. This is why it's good to find other strategies that can help when you feel down like exercise, therapy, etc so that you have a few different go-to's.
Profile: Apollosdaughter
Apollosdaughter on Apr 7, 2018 more
Yes but no. Depend on yourself than others. What others feel or say is their opinion and golden experiences which they gave acquired through life. Do what your heart says. Listen to your heart, it knows much better
Profile: Elena2081
Elena2081 on Apr 26, 2018 more
I'm going to be honest with you. No, it is not oke to depend on the people here, maybe on some of them, but even the nicest people can just go offline and can't come back, even I have done it. And in all honesty I feel really bad that I did something dumb like that.
Profile: MissLouise13
MissLouise13 on May 5, 2018 more
Yes it is okay to depend on this site when your down, it is nice to have somebody to talk to and vent to.
Profile: Georgia
Georgia on Aug 27, 2017 more
It's certainly okay to depend on 7cups when you feel down, because 7cups is considered a healthy and supportive atmosphere where people tend to feel better! In the long run, we hope that many people find their way out of their depression/anxiety/whatever they've come here for, but before they feel comfortable leaving, were always here as a supportive community ❤
Profile: jupitermoons
jupitermoons on Feb 15, 2018 more
Yes! There are always going to be people who want to help you. They want you to feel safe, and talk to you about the road to feeling better.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2018 more
Yes it's ok to, we are here to help with anything, 7 cups to me is like a big family and we help/support and guide each other through anything
Profile: Brittany8013
Brittany8013 on Mar 1, 2018 more
This is a tough question. I would say that it depends on the circumstances. However if you feel you are completely reliant on us here at 7 cups, perhaps looking at other professional supports would be beneficial to you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 1, 2018 more
It's always okay to depend on this site when you feel down. If you find that it works for you then just do it. It's not wrong in any way. If you prefer using the site then other options then just use it. There will always be people on here to listen to you and try and make things better.
Profile: breathinout
breathinout on Mar 1, 2018 more
You know yourself best and if you feel that you are helped enough by chats on this site then it might be. However, you may also find that you need face to face interactions, or speak to a therapist - which is also OK!
Profile: fishy3242
fishy3242 on Mar 2, 2018 more
I think that 7 Cups is a great source, but it can't be your only source. It's always good to talk to someone anonymously and safely, but you need to be able to talk to someone physically. Because there is only so much you can do online. You have to be able to get help in person. And also sometimes it's ok to be sad but you can't always rely on somebody else. Sometimes we get sad, but that is a part of being human. 7 Cups is a great way to communicate and talk but it's not a way to find sympathy and to gossip.
Profile: frostlight
frostlight on Mar 3, 2018 more
It's great to have a support network behind you and this site is a wonderful place to find that. However, dependency for any reason and in any form is never good. If someone feels dependent on 7cups for support, they may be shutting out friends and family who also have a role in providing support in real life. This is the point at which an individual should seek professional help from a doctor or a therapist. Its wonderful that 7cups can help someone when they're feeling down but if this creates a dependency then its a sign that this method has not lead to improvement.
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