Is it normal to think about suicide everyday?
Apr 30, 2018
Depression Expert more
I think about suicide every day, and I have for a long time. I don't enjoy being alive at all, I've been to therapists and mental hospitals, but those only made me feel worse. Antidepressants were more like retardation pills than anything, and they gave me awful side effects, and I harmed myself way more on those than I do now. I think about suicide everyday... for hours, but each time I think about suicide, I also think about how it would affect people in my life, and even though they might treat me like I'm worthless, I couldn't bring that pain upon anyone else. Those are the thoughts that ultimately keep me alive everyday. I don't feel happiness anymore, but I still make other people happy. That's why I live, to make the lives of other people more enjoyable and livable than mine ever can be.
Dealing with Depression?
Feb 1, 2017 more
I think about suicide all the time and have been this way for years. For some reason tonight I suddenly realized that cutting my wrists wouldn't be near as hard or painful as the daily struggle I go through. There is no help for some of us and not near enough people out there willing to help.
Apr 30, 2015 more
No, it's not. I think about suicide all the time and I know it's not good - and I know that getting help isn't as easy as it sounds. I was scared that people wouldn't believe me, or they'd just tell me to stop being stupid. stop being such an attention seeker and to 'pull my socks up', but they're wrong. Like everyone else, I'd beg you to get some kind of medical help. Even if you feel you can't, there are confidential helplines out there.
Aug 4, 2015 more
Normal, yes. Healthy, no. If you're thinking about suicide every day, you're seriously depressed. Which is normal in the same way that diabetes is normal--lots of people are going through it and it doesn't usually kill you right away, but it's a serious, life-threatening condition and you should get help for it.
Apr 17, 2018 more
So I've been thinking about suicide alot the past year I always thought of it but I have the means to do it now, i. Have a firearm I can easily do it, but im scared to do so because I still remember the times I'm happy and I kerp thinking this is a phase but every day it gets harder and harder to wake up and want to live im talking about this only because i think there might be someone out there who really cares and who can really give me some advice before I do something I can never regret or take bake and end my life.
May 24, 2016 more
I think it's close to normal but not normal. It's normal to people who have a very bad wound in their heart
Sep 6, 2016 more
It's not normal; PLEASE go to therapy because I used to feel the exact same way and therapy's what allowed me to feel happy again. I would cry for hours every day and feel that life is absolutely hopeless and worthless, and I thought of killing myself every single second. But believe it or not, after some good months of therapy I started to feel normal and calm and happy again. Trust me, it works. If it doesn't work one time, try another time.:) YOU WILL FEEL HAPPY AGAIN!!
Sep 15, 2015 more
Depression is curable. Talk to your threrapist or friends, or family. At this point in your life you need to all the support that you needed, because you have the tendency of isolating yourself, you'll feel lonely and alone. You will get better, everyday might be a hard battle for you but keep on fighting.
Take Care!
Dec 21, 2015 more
I would answer back is it normal to have a ton of brick fall on you everyday? NO it is not normal to have those bricks fall no you. Yet when you are depressed thoughts of suicide can feel like a ton bricks weighing you down. If feel suicidal every day there are many places you can go/call/text ect... to try to get the help you need. That ton of bricks maybe upon you and they maybe can only be removed one by one but you will with help get them all off.
Aug 2, 2016 more
No. Its not normal to think about suicide everyday. The more you think about suicide, the more you have death thoughts. And it would push you to do something really dangerous to yourself. Also, when you think about suicide everyday, it overcomes you and blocks you from thinking about anything else and it prevents you from thinking about other things which can improve upon your life and make you a better person.
Sep 17, 2016 more
It's not normal, but doesn't make you stupid, crazy, etc. You're here on 7cups, which is already a step in the right direction. The suicide hotlines for different countries are all over the internet, they could help get you even further. Good luck, we're all here for you
Sep 21, 2016 more
It is a result of being frustrated with your life. Leave things that frustrate you, live your life and love yourself. That's it! If you're still suicidal, take help from an expert.
Oct 8, 2016 more
It's great that you asked this! It is normal to think about suicide everyday for those who are suffering from suicidal thoughts. While thinking about death in general is certainly something everyone thinks about, things like self-inclusion and making plans are usually more a sign of major depression. Consider asking a local therapist, support group, school conselor, friend or parent the same question, and see if someone can help you find hope again.
Sep 6, 2016 more
No it is not normal,you have to seek professional help , you may also need sources of distraction like playing sports like running or playin music as sort of releasing also can be useful
as well as if you are good at expressing your feeling through writing it could be very helpful
Mar 15, 2015 more
Its not normal but,it indicates to me you may be suffering with overwhelming sadness in life or perhaps depression i would urge you to seek medical treatment there's always light on the other side of the tunnel.
Nov 3, 2016 more
Honestly normal is an overrated word; but for the sake of answering the question this is my opinion. If you think about suicide everyday, then yes it is normal. Ive had thoughts like that many days, Ive also not had thoughts like that many days. Do your best to keep going and never give up.
Mar 21, 2016 more
It is never normal to think about suicide, however it's one of those things that unfortunately do get thought about by people. Whenever you or someone you know is having suicidial thoughts, refer them straight away to a doctor who can help them seek professional help.
Remember you're not alone, no matter how lonely and empty you might feel. So many people are here for you, here to listen to you and here to love you.
Dec 2, 2016 more
Unfortunately suicide is common. Thinking about suicide is wanting whatever pain you have to end. It is natural to want pain to stop, but for a person to want to end it by dying, says that the pain takes over their lives. So it is normal in a sense that it is common, but not normal as in it should be brushed off. It is never good for pain to take over our lives. If this feels like it is happening for you, seek help from other people, like doctors and other professionals. You can also visit Also remember that you are never alone. So many people these days are going through a lot of pain. The good news is that others want to help you. In fact some even make it there job to help you.
Jul 4, 2016 more
Not at all, if this thought is on your mind on a daily basis, you must ultimately concern Anti-Suicidal emergency workers.
Oct 26, 2016 more
I wouldn't say it's a good normal. Yet based off of the chemicals in the brain and how your feeling in certain times, it can be normal. We all flur to the tiniest notion of self conclusion, but the trick is never to act on it.
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