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How can I remember that things will get better?

Profile: Tylerr
Tylerr on Jan 11, 2016 more
Draw a looooooooong line. From one side of the paper to the other. Now draw dots on that line from end to end. Make 100 of them. Counting the dots from left to right, stop at the dot that corresponds with how old you are. Circle it. See all the rest of those dots to the right of that? Each of of those is a year. An entire year! 365 days. That's 8,760 hours. Now you cannot tell me that in all that time that things will not look up for you. Imagine the kind of person, or things you will accomplish, in the future. This life is yours to create and you have so much time to do it. Life will always have low points, it's inevitable. But the beauty of this is that the low points will make us appreciate the high points so much more. What's like without a good struggle, right? Whatever you are going through right now will pass, and you will be okay. I promise! xx
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Profile: RaveRae
RaveRae on May 23, 2016 more
A quote I like to remember when things aren't very good is this: An arrow has to be pulled back to be shot. You're just being pulled back before you're shot.
Profile: Polkiujy
Polkiujy on May 27, 2015 more
Think about the life ahead of you. There's so much to live for. Good time with friends, great time with family, finding the person you love, getting married, having a family to care for, learning new things, seeing beautiful and amazing sights. There's so much to live for on this gigantic earth and feelings are all temporary. Things that we feel will eventually go away just as much as happiness does. And if it's a person / thing that's making us feel horrible, then we have to remember that one day, that thing wont be in our life anymore. We will have moved on from it. We will have moved onto something better for us. Something so much more amazing. There's always going to be so much that life has to offer us and yes life will always surprise us the the most CRAZIEST things but then again, life is just so spontaneous like that. If such bad things can come at once like this, then think of all the amazing things that could be rolling downhill and towards you. Things can and will always get better and that's what i love about life. That's what i love about living.
Profile: raquelmonteiro
raquelmonteiro on Jan 3, 2015 more
Things will get better, read quotes. Write good positive quotes in your books, write it in your face if you have to. Don't stop fighting. I'm proud of you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 29, 2016 more
remember you are still breathing, facing your problem and your fears. every. single. day. and you survive. remember that. you'll be fine and you'll get through it
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 12, 2014 more
Just take a deep breath, look at your mirror and say "I will make it " and mean it. Just run with hope in your heart
Profile: Itsacrazylifewelive
Itsacrazylifewelive on Jul 20, 2015 more
I sometimes liked to think of the past and remember all of the bad things that happened and realize that I overcame all of those things to get to where I am today and if things got better then, they could totally get better now. :)
Profile: Erynn
Erynn on Nov 21, 2014 more
That's a good question! Because sometimes it IS super hard to remember, let alone believe it. Sometimes talking to friends and a counselor helps. You can write yourself notes on the mirror, wall, journal, cupboard, on your hand... You can make a playlist of recover/it gets better songs and/or poems on your iPod. You can follow inspirational/it gets better blogs online. You can write three affirmations and practice reciting them in front of the mirror, while waiting in line, before class, after meals... all the time. Honestly, it just takes practice and lots and lots of little reminders. It's so hard to keep going, but you can. And it WILL get better. Come on here to talk any time you need. We will help remind you too and help you realize it for yourself. Things WILL improve. It just takes time. Sometimes far too much time.
Profile: Eyy
Eyy on Jul 13, 2015 more
From the shifts in tides, to the movement of celestial bodies; Everything in the universe happens in cycles. If you're in a bad patch, everything will get better, it is just about managing your feelings through these hard times and cherishing the good ones.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 15, 2018 more
If you feel that you’re at the very low, remember that once you’ve reached low, the only way that you can go is up.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 19, 2015 more
Honestly, it's something I find really hard to remember. So instead of thinking about it and hoping it sticks in my brain, I write it everywhere; on sticky notes, in notebooks, in a little box on my computer monitor. And even if I don't always feel like things will get better, seeing that phrase so many times helps it sink in. Then eventually you get so used to seeing it and thinking it that you don't have to remember anymore - you just sort of know.
Profile: Puffin
Puffin on Nov 23, 2014 more
I think it might help to look at your own personal experiences in the past which tuned out better than you expected.
Profile: smileforawhile
smileforawhile on Dec 7, 2014 more
Think about a time where you though things would never get better, but they did. Remember that things can change; anything can happen. Nothing lasts forever, even our pain and suffering ends. You have the power to change something about your situation to make it better. more
Sometimes it is best to reflect on the times that have happened before that made you feel good. Remember what it really felt like inside, and them think about how good it would feel to experience that again!
Profile: simran14
simran14 on Aug 1, 2016 more
Just believe in it instead of forcing it on you...give yourself time and sort out your feelings...the way you got stronger earlier you will manage now too...just believe in it
Profile: RhinocerosWings
RhinocerosWings on Aug 8, 2016 more
The only reliable method I've found to remember that things will get better is to write "Things WILL get better!" on Post-It notes and put them all over my walls in my house. I do this with other phrases, too. My current favorite is "It's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 26, 2018 more
I can remember that things will get better because I've been through much worse and come out of it alive. There are many things in the world to be grateful for. Sunshine is literally abundant, there to provide us with joy. Puppies walk the streets on a daily basis, children smile everyday. I might not see it right now but these things will be abundant in my life sooner rather than later. Sometimes miracles come through tragedy and hope is built through possibility. Also I know things will get better because there are so many fast food chains out there that I love, like Mcdonalds. This isn't a joke, even though it's funny, I'm serious. Those are things to be grateful for :)
Profile: echo
echo on Nov 22, 2014 more
Leave post-it notes and other positive messages around the house in your journal and other places to remind you its going to get better and you will make it
Profile: Godsbaby
Godsbaby on Jul 9, 2018 more
Keep a box and every time you have a problem and you overcome it write down the experience and when you feel like your back is against the wall just read them
Profile: EffyBlue
EffyBlue on Jan 8, 2015 more
By looking at the positive things is life, and remembering that you are the one making it better. You can choose to focus on the positive things that will make you feel good and talk to people about how you feel. Remember that we grow all the time, and that everybody is worth a great life.
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