Talk to someone online about Sexual Assault
Trauma can result from feeling threatened or like your life was at risk. People experience trauma from sexual assault, violent attacks, natural disasters, car accidents, active combat, and other painful incidents. The common thread that runs through all trauma is that we want to avoid thinking and talking about the trauma. It is simply too painful. It is very hard for the human brain to process trauma. That is why we often re-experience trauma in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, or day dreams. Our brain often tries to process it on one level, but avoid it on another level. No matter where you are in life we want you to know that you are not alone. Millions of people have experienced trauma and many are in the process of overcoming it. There are no quick fixes for trauma, but knowing that there are people that like you, understand you, and care for you can help you get through it. If you’d like to talk to someone about your traumatic experience or simply share what is on your mind, then we welcome you to connect with one of our listeners.
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