Why do I feel so empty and unfulfilled in my profession? How do I overcome this?
Mar 18, 2017
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I find myself wondering if your searching for something in your profession that should instead be coming from within? Often we look externally to satisfy that which we struggle to see within ourselves. Maybe talking with one of our listeners can help you identify those aspects that you'd like to gain in life.
Apr 15, 2017
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Well first, think to yourself, is it the profession or your workplace? If it's the profession itself, maybe try and branch off from it but still using your qualifications. Goodluck!
May 26, 2017
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Maybe it's not the right profession. Search for the things your enjoy doing, or topics that are interesting to you. Or, seek out new projects and responsibilities in your present job if starting a new careers isn't an option right now. Alternatively, start volunteering and increase your network outside of work to find something you enjoy doing.
Jun 4, 2017
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Very few of us wind up in a career that feeds our creative, passionate side and still brings in the money we need to live. For the rest of us, it's important to find things in our jobs that we can connect with personally - whether that's arranging our desks in a way we find pleasant, or practicing our acting with counter customers, or even just enjoying the sunshine on the walk between the garage and work. Find something to enjoy and look forward to, even if it has nothing to do with the "official job" itself.
Jun 11, 2017
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Perhaps you're in the wrong job? How did you get into this field in the 1st place? If money is no issue, what would you rather do, I mean, is that something you enjoy and feel passionate about?
Aug 24, 2017
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It can be extremely conflicting when you begin to feel lost and unfulfilled in your current profession. I think it's important to first distinguish what it is about the work that you don't like. Is it specific details about your current organization that may be different in another? Or is it the topic of work itself. If so, it may be time for a career change. Don't make any drastic moves until you work through what exactly it is that's causing you to feel unfulfilled. You deserve to be valued and challenged in your job and this could be a conversation to have with your supervisor or someone else in management that you trust to have an open and honest conversation with.
Nov 8, 2017
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Learning how to properly balance work and personal will help elevate stress on both sides. Having a good balance can not only help with that empty feeling but it can help you with new refreshing ideas. Also getting good rest is a big factor.
Nov 10, 2017
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Look at different hobby’s or New activities in your area. Branch out try new things! Maybe a new path will occur in your life.
Dec 6, 2017
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Only by truly enjoying what you do, you will feel like it is worth it. To overcome this issue, the best thing is to find what really suits your talents and personality. Working for a company, boss, or position that does not fit, will never fulfill anyone... it is good to keep looking and change whenever possible - in the meantime, keep trying or even aim for a different position inside the same company, find activities and tasks that you like and focus on them, open up constructively to a boss if you feel like there can be some improvement of any sort. It is important to be happy at work as so much time is invested there daily... so, not to settle and keep searching, looking for other ways to improve your quality of life at the job - is key to success, both from a personal and a professional point of view.
Dec 13, 2017
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I don't have a job, but I go to school. I love my friends and the interesting classes. I don't like math, though. It's really hard and I feel stupid. I try to overcome math by drawing happy things in my notes.
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