What's the best way to stop feeling like I hate going to work?
Aug 4, 2015
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One thing I have done when I'm feeling burned out is try to shift my perspective. I have reminded myself that, ultimately, it is my choice to go to work (yes, I need to pay bills, etc. but no one is physically forcing me to go to work). When I started doing that, it's like it gave me some of my power back. And that helped me dread it less and enjoy it more.
Feb 4, 2015
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The question needs some clarification. Do you merely feel like you hate going to work or do you actually hate going to work? If the former, I think there's some cognitive dissonance involved here and that would take a lot of analysis to decipher.
So, let's assume, then, that you actually hate going to work. We still need some additional clarification. When you say "going to work" are you literally referring to act of going to work as in your commute or is it work itself (or what goes at your place of work) that you abhor?
Whichever of those you choose, the next step is to identify the things about that experience that you dislike so much that you have come to hate it.
Feelings are reflections of our state of mind. If you don't like your state of mind, change it. You may not be in a position to change jobs or means getting to/from your place of employment. But, there may be things you can address to make things better for you.
It's time to brainstorm and put on paper the list of things that bother you. Don't worry about the sequence and don't try to weed anything out at this stage. If they annoy you, they go on the list. When you're done, prioritize, putting the major issues at the top of the list.
Next to each item jot down ideas that could make things better. It's OK to ask a friend or coworker you can confide in about a vexing issue on your list to see how they cope with it. At some point, you might even find your manager a sympathetic and effective resource. Just be mindful of how you express yourself. Be constructive and cooperative, not accusatory and resentful.
You probably won't be able to fix everything and the changes you make may take time to have an impact. But, you have the motivation and a strategy to work with. Stay optimistic and don't give up on yourself.
Good luck.
Apr 1, 2015
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Think of the reasons why you wanted that job in the first place. And think how lucky you are to have it, when many other people tried for the same position and failed.
May 2, 2017
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Just start your morning more positive, know that you're helping your community with that work and that you have purpose in your life with doing that work. You can, also, plan on doing something that you like after work so every day you have that: "okay, first I am going to work and then (for example) I'm going to watch that movie, I can not wait!"
Mar 15, 2016
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we all have our bad days if this is a every day thing have you tried another line of work.perhaps your not happy with the job your doing.
Feb 10, 2015
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Find out why you hate going to work. Try to nail down every single aspect that you don't like about going to work and find, with the help of family, friends or colleagues, a way to change it.
Apr 22, 2015
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It's not easy. Sometimes it's a matter of finding something at work that fulfills you and making it a point to do so. I worked in retail pharmacy, and the company I worked for was very soul sucking and the environment was awful. I dreaded going there. What kept me going were my patients. I found ways to lower their copays using drug company promotions, and strove to ensure they were able to get their medicine for cheapest (even if it meant referring them elsewhere).
That is just an example, of course. It really depends on what you're doing. I know that finding a new job isn't always practical, or possible at the time. You may want to sit down and write what you hate about your job. It's very cathartic, and can be very helpful. :) Having all of that in one place can help you figure out what to do. I hope that's helpful. Good luck!
Jan 23, 2015
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For many of us work is a requirement to live so we can have nice things. Until we create the opportunity that allows us to work our passion, we may be in a job that’s just a job and not a career. Once one begins to acknowledge one’s purpose, the job won’t feel so much like a burden. Look for opportunities instead of shortcomings, find a work buddy, stop being so negative, and keep working towards your passion.
Jun 13, 2017
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Set yourself a reward for after your shift (get a coffee, watch a favourite movie, see a friend). Or, if you're going to have a break, take yourself an edible treat to work whether it be a new flavour of tea or a healthy packed lunch.
May 6, 2015
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Well you can change how you see work. Look at things from a different prospective. Change your thinking, change your life.
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