What is the line between positive and negative pressure in the workplace?
Jan 29, 2015
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Where employer and employee work together to not only coexist, but work towards a generally safe, and pleasant environment. Pressure can be present, if it allows the individual to become motivated to be successful in completing the task, without any outside ridicule.
Jan 27, 2015
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when you feel someone is attempting to limit your capability or deprive you of opportunity, because nobody has the right to limit anybody .
Apr 14, 2015
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When you don't feel comfortable anymore, it is negative pressure. If you feel you are being asked to do something you do not feel okay with doing, it is negative pressure.
Jul 7, 2015
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When things personally make you feel badly about yourself - that you don't 'fit in' or are afforded the proper respect, or that you simply do not have the skills or support to accomplish your responsibilities - is negative pressure. Positive pressure is anything that gets you to the outcome, achievement, or deadline you have to or want to meet. You can make positive pressure into negative pressure by internalizing things as negative. Think of times when you pushed yourself through something and did what you set out to do to remember that you actually do have the ability to get through your current situation, even if you don't yet know exactly how yet.
May 19, 2015
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It seems the line is crossed into negative pressure when it is no longer motivational, it weighs on your shoulders, and you are incapable of functioning as you used to.
Aug 10, 2015
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I think positive pressure would be constructive where negative is destructive. If it brings you down it is negative. If it gives you ideas or options to improve it would be positive.
Nov 27, 2015
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Positive pressure allows you to challenge yourself and work to the best of your abilities, it gives you a reward that makes the struggle worth it. Negative pressure makes you hate your task/job and limits your capabilities as you feel weighed down by the pressure. The reward usually isn't worth the struggle.
Mar 28, 2016
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When pressure becomes too much for you, this is not positive pressure and actions should be undertaken.
Aug 22, 2016
Work Stress Expert
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Pressure is positive if you are learning something and it does not mess with your health. Pressure is negative if your health us jeopardize does not matter whether its physical,mental or emotional.
Sep 13, 2016
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The line is built by you. You are the expert on you, and you know what feels healthy and what feels unhealthy. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, it is probably negative pressure.
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