Should I stay at a job that I hate?
May 30, 2018 more
Not if you don't have to. There may be other opportunities out there. Start searching for a new job in the meantime.
Jun 1, 2018 more
If you hate it leave. There are other jobs out there. Even if you get a good pay it’s not worth it. Working at a job you’ll like is way better.
Jun 2, 2018 more
Only if you have to, it is hard I get that; but if you need the job to support you. Stay there, you need to get through life and I know you're tough.
Jun 7, 2018 more
I don't think anybody should continue doing things they hate doing . You'll might end up losing interest other things too. But then again it all depends on the circumstances and other factors.
Jun 8, 2018 more
If you hate your job to that extent that it effects your personal happiness and mental health then you should look for alternatives. However you do need to think this through, and try to make a plan. Do you have another job to go to? Can you afford being without a job? Should you stay in your job due to other responsibilities you have (family, loan etc)? Sadly not all can afford to leave a job, even though they hate it. But even so, you may be able to do so later.
Jun 15, 2018 more
If this job is making you the money you need while you try and get a job you want, then stay. If not or you can find another job that is still paying enough then make the move.
Jun 16, 2018 more
I know it's cliche to say that money doesn't buy happiness but it's true. It might help to frame the question slightly different. "How long should I stay at a job that I hate?" Apply for as many other positions as you can. Speak with recruiters and HR staff at companies you know you'd like to work for. Another opportunity will come along. Short answer, no but you can tolerate it until something you don't hate opens up. Good luck on the job search.
Jun 20, 2018 more
No. Life is to short for living that way. Do what you like and your life will change for the better.
Jun 21, 2018 more
First find out why you hate? what makes you hate??When you started hating your job?? please identify answers for this question then you will get answer for your question.our hidden confusion or feeling makes us to confuse like this.first be clear your problems then you will take action
Jun 21, 2018 more
I feel you should look for another job if you dislike the one you are working at it will also possibly help you to feel better hope this helped
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