It feels like I get a headache every day at work, what should I do?
May 15, 2015 more
Ask yourself the frank questions about your job. Do you regret going in every day? Do you bring ithome at night? Are you doing work that is someone else's? Do you feel valued. Finally, are you prepared to maybe move on to another job if it comes to that or do you feel handcuffed to a job you don't like? Examine the answers and make wise decisions accordingly.
Jan 16, 2015 more
Headaches have numerous causes, so perhaps you can ask yourself questions to determine what could be contributing to the problem:
+ Am I getting adequate, good quality sleep?
+ What are my diet and exercise habits like? Could certain foods be the cause?
+ Do headaches/migraines run in my family?
+ What tasks am I doing when my head starts to hurt?
+ How do I feel about my job?
+ How do I feel about other aspects of my life?
Sep 1, 2015 more
First, go to the doctor to rule out any medical causes. If it turns out not to be medical, then consider ways to reduce your stress. There are resources here on 7cups (click on "Self-Help Guides" at the top of the page, then scroll down to "Work-Related Stress") and there are other resources available on the internet. You might consider taking up a calming type of exercise, such as yoga, or mindfulness practices such as meditation.
Jan 12, 2016 more
First, get a checkup to see there is nothing wrong with your head muscles etc. If it is due to the 'stress' of having to go to work, perhaps its not the right workplace for you and you need to search for something that is more meaningful and something you enjoy working in?
Dec 24, 2018 more
It is probably stress, although it could be something else like a medical issue. If it is stress, try to take some time during the day while you are not at work to just relax and calm down (maybe meditate or reflect n how your day went). If you also find out what is stressing you out specifically, do something about it. For example, if you are stressed out by the fact that you have a pile of papers on your desk waiting to be filled out, then fill them out. If taking care of stress doesn't make it go away, then I would speak to your doctor to check if it is a medical issue.
Feb 19, 2015 more
If you're experiencing recurring headaches, this may be the sign of a more serious health problem. I recommend speaking with your primary care physician, whom can help you decide if it's merely stress or something more concerning. Even if it is stress, there are plenty of coping mechanisms that you can explore; for some people, it's medication, but perhaps all you need is to take small breaks every once and a while. Everyone's different-- find what works best for you.
Mar 15, 2015 more
This maybe due to stress. Stress related headache maybe effecting your work day. Coping skills may help you deal with stress at work.
Apr 24, 2015 more
Learn some meditation techniques you can use on your lunch break. I also find that keeping hydrated helps with stress related headaches for me. Try to organize yourself as much as possible so that things go more smoothly at work. If headaches persist, I would always go see my physician for further help.
Aug 4, 2015 more
Headaches are a common symptom of stress. If you don't suffer from any medical condition, stress might be the cause. Identify what stresses you the most, use relaxation techniques, talk to your co-workers and bosses to find solutions to your stressful situations.
Dec 8, 2015 more
Well since I have chronic daily migraines, I get it. I recommend consulting a neurologist or doctor. It can be stress, muscle tension, or something more serious.
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