I don't like my job anymore. Should I quit or continue doing it?
Jul 5, 2015
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It depends. Did you used to like it, but just lost interest? Or did you never like it to start with? If you never liked it and you still don't, chances are you won't like it later either. But if you used to like it, there's a good chance you can get that back. See if you can remember when you stopped liking it, especially if there was an event that started it all, then see what you need to do to solve that event. Perhaps your boss yelled, and it might help to talk to them now (even though you might have to initiate it). Or maybe you haven't been looking after your energy - it's hard to like anything when you're tired. If you used to like it, it's worth salvaging!
Jul 5, 2015
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I think you should first evaluate what it is you do not like about your job. If it is something you are not passionate about, it might be worthwhile to seek something that is more in line with what you enjoy. You can also consider what kind of growth potential you have and if it is worth it to stick around for a bit even though you are unhappy, for a greater outcome in the end.
Jul 5, 2015
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I'm a firm believer that no job is worth your happiness. If you're not happy with your situation, you can always change it. Whether that entails dropping everything to travel the world, or finding a better job-- I'm sure you'll find the right path.
Jul 5, 2015
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Keep your job whilst you look for a new one 😄 that's what I'd do infact that is what I've always done as you never know how long it can take to find a job :) good luck!
Jul 8, 2015
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Only you can explore what your job means to you. Take some self reflection time to determine what aspects you like and dislike specifically about your job and determine what you would like to do from there.
Jul 8, 2015
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It depends on the situation. Some people are scared of change so they continue to stay and they feel miserable. If you think of quitting make sure you have another job lined up so that it is an easy transition. This way you don't have to stress about more things such as paying bills, etc on top of quitting in the first place. It's ok if we don't fit into a new job it could be any reason really but it doesn't mean there are more options out there. We just need to find one that fits.
Jul 8, 2015
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u need to realize the facts
like what will happen if u quit ur job ?
do really need money u earn from this job i mean your family depends on this money or not .
and u need to think why u dont like ur job maybe u can change this feeling for example if u dont like ur partner at the job u can talk with them about it maybe u could solve the issue together..... or i f u really need to quit first find a new good job suitable for your abilities
Jul 8, 2015
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If there is another option that you can work, then quit your job, if not try accepting your job and if you couldn't ... Then try finding another job 😂
Jul 8, 2015
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The question facing you isn't should you; it's can you? Can you afford to quit your job? Can you get another job as fast as you quit your current one? Can you still live where you are without your job? Can you buy all the luxuries you want without a job? 80% of common people hate the jobs their in but they have no choice. 202 million around the world are without a job despite the fact a huge percent of these people look and apply for jobs. Just having a job makes you a very lucky person indeed. I hope this information is useful to you.
Jul 8, 2015
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I think you should quit. You should never do anything you don't enjoy. But then and again stay for a week or two and see if you start to like it again. If not, then quit and do something you know you enjoy. As someone smart once told me "To do great things you must love what you do."
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