I cannot work unless I find the perfect space to work, as otherwise I feel unsettled and cannot concentrate. But I don't have my own office. How can I feel more settled in temporary spaces which are not mine?
17 Answers
Moderated by Danielle Johnson, MSED, Community mental Health Counseling, LMHC
Updated: Aug 17, 2020
Aug 16, 2016
Work Stress Expert
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That's most probably because your comfort zone is quite wide. Try lessening the comfort zone area by stepping out of it one step at a time.
Aug 22, 2016
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I understand how you feel because I am the same way! I cannot focus on what is important if I am not comfortable in my work space. I suggest gathering some items such as music, pictures,etc. that make you feel comfy and add them to your temporary work space! Things should become much brighter :)
Nov 1, 2016
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Try having things around you that make it perfect to you. Perhaps personal knickknacks will allow you to feel more settled in these locations!
Apr 3, 2018
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In temporary spaces you can try making it feel like what you consider perfect. You can make minute changes to make sure that the temporary place is where you can concentrate. since many a times we need to work out of our comfort zones and that's when we need to realize that we need to make ourselves comfortable and get used to our surroundings.
Jun 9, 2020
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Firstly, you want a non-cluttered environment. I feel that it can set a clean slate both physically and mentally. It can be beneficial to get some soundproof headphones as well in case there is noise and play music if you want or just set it to white noise. Get your laptop out and a notebook with a pen, even if you were not planning on using it. On that notebook, write down some simple to-do tasks to check off and get started! Allow yourself to take breaks, just make sure that your breaks do not proceed 15 minutes at a time.
Jul 27, 2020
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Try and make these places more tailored to you. If you like cats, tape a little picture of a cat to the wall. If you need quiet to work, we’re noise cancelling headphones or if you need classical music playing to work, play classical music. Try and figure out what exactly about the place is making you unsettled and target and try to fix just that. Once you start to customize a place, you’ll be able to switch your mindset and think of it as more of your own office and less of a borrowed space. If you don’t have your own office,you can try to recreate the feeling off having one.
Aug 17, 2020
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You can bring objects that would make that temporary space feel more like your own. Such as pictures, plants, stuffed animals, your own coffee mug, snacks, other kinds of decoration. Also make sure to ask what is allowed to bring in. Some office spaces have specific preferences and others give you the freedom to feel at home. You can also bring your own computer, stationary, comfortable back support for your chair. Remember, there is it hard to achieve perfection. We can do our best of accomodate the space to our liking but we also have to give in a little and realize this space is temporary only.
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