I am scared to talk about something that happened at work, what can I do?
Dec 25, 2014
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ask for an opinion, either online, where you can do it anonymously, or from someone close. it's never as bad as we tend to imagine! when you talk about something, the words bring reason with them.
Jan 3, 2015
Work Stress Expert
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Some companies have employee assistance programs that are free to employees and families. Use them to your advantage! Sometimes people feel comfortable using their company's anonymous hotlines. These are tricky, because for investigative purposes, this can be traced back to you, and the fear of retaliation sinks in. Before using something like an ethics hotline, be prepared with physical evidence to back yourself up when the time comes. Always be overly prepared when it comes to situations like this. If it's not something that serious, you can always reach out to a listener here, and hopefully you can get whatever the issue is off your chest, and come up with a solution.
Apr 4, 2015
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It might help to chat with a colleague whom you trust before you talk to a boss. That way you'll feel more at ease and comfortable to talk about what happened. Alternatively it might help to imagine what you would do if someone you knew came up to you with the same problem. What advice would you give them?
Apr 22, 2015
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Being afraid to talk about something from work can be extremely overwhelming. There hasn't been a good history with many companies and in fact reporting anything can sometimes prove to be a career ender. That doesn't have to be the case though. There are ways to make the issue known whither by direct reporting or indirect reporting. Suggestion boxes can be a great way to do so anonymously, if that isn't the option seek out someone who will back you up and if all else fails the labor board can be a final option. If there is any abuse going on it would be best to seek the proper authorities.
Jun 4, 2015
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All I will tell you is you will never know, until you try. Now remember to make sure you can trust the person you try to talk to, because if not that situation will be scarier than the one you are in now.
Sep 1, 2015
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Share it anonymously and you can get some answers without them knowing who you are. Like you can use 7cupsoftea to talk to someone without them knowing who you are.
Jan 26, 2016
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Try and explore why you feel scared first and then find a solution for that . Personally I would worry that people would look at me differently after relating the experience to them and so I would instead tell a listener on 7cups who is a stranger, talk to a licensed therapist or a really close friend whom i know will not see me differently.
Feb 15, 2016
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If you have close friends and family that you're comfortable talking to, try telling them that something has happened at work has made you feel the way you do. If you don't comfortable sharing that with them, try talking to someone here or a therapist near you.
Apr 12, 2016
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Talk to someone that won't be affected by your story, or to someone that won't be a problem even if they tell your story to someone else. For example: 7 Cups of Tea listeners. Or, you can write a journal. It's more private and the safety of your story will still be in your control
Jul 4, 2016
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It's normal to be scared, everyone is subject to fear especially when talking to someone about something you don't feel as though you want to re-live, or that you feel you may be judged on. But always know that everyone here on 7 Cups are here to support you and will never judge or criticise.
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