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How can I accept my career is over because of a permanent work injury?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 18, 2015 more
Think of it as an opportunity to evolve. Most of us switch careers several times in our lives. A work injury is not the end of your story. Think of it as a new beginning, as an opportunity to explore your other, numerous talents and strengths and to find an occupation that nurtures your spirit rather than hurts your body. Consider consulting with a vocational rehabilitation counselor to see what your options are.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 29, 2016 more
Work injuries can happen to everyone, anyone at any time. Anybody, from the cubicle white collar to the heavy-industry worker can live this amazingly hard life event. Sadly, there is no miracle answer to this question. Accepting this would be roughly equivalent to the grief process. There are steps, there is pain, there is sadness, refusal, a lot of negative emotions. But there is time too. There is family. There are friends. There is life. There is love. There is a lot to hope for. Actually, never mind me saying that there is no miracle answer. The real answer is "Smile, because there will be someone to smile for you, maybe even a perfect stranger. You career may be over, but life and pinch of time will bring the light back."
Profile: warmForever89
warmForever89 on Jan 21, 2015 more
One way to accept a career is over is to throw yourself with all your strength at a new career. if you have any unrealized dreams try to achieve those. When you build up a new list of successes you will eventually be at peace with the fact that the your past career has reached an end.
Profile: Bluenail
Bluenail on Jun 21, 2015 more
What would you do if you were not afraid ? One door closes, another opens. Sometimes with a long hallway.
Profile: KrinkTheMellowUnicorn
KrinkTheMellowUnicorn on Jul 13, 2015 more
It won't be easy, especially if you loved your career, and it will take time to adjust to any big change in your life that you did not ask for, but part of accepting it may involve finding new things to look forward to, instead.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 30, 2015 more
You dont. Failiure is a key step to success. If you fail, you should get back up with a frsh mind and knowing that ypu will not fail this time. Because falling was made to get up.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 2, 2016 more
Use this as an opportunity to find interests in other areas and evolve your skill set. Although you are injured, you still have the ability to find work in other areas and start fresh in a new career. This is your new beginning. Try physical rehabilitation therapy to see if you can improve your injury
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Apr 19, 2016
Work Stress Expert more
No work is yours forever. Even if it is not for your work injury you will need to grow old and leave. This kinda things are material things they come and go. So don't feel bad about it just accept it and find other things that you can do to survive.
Profile: gentleCurrent6568
gentleCurrent6568 on May 27, 2024 more
I'm truly sorry to hear about your situation. Accepting the end of a career due to injury is incredibly tough. It's important to allow yourself to grieve this loss. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to help process your emotions. Consider exploring new passions or hobbies that could lead to alternative career paths. Focus on what you can still do and achieve, even if it's different from your previous career. Remember, your worth isn't defined by your job. Take small steps towards building a new future, and be kind to yourself during this transition. You're stronger than you think.
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