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Why do I feel angry when someone tells that they love me?

Profile: niamh333
niamh333 on Sep 3, 2023 more
This sounds like a tough feeling to process. Without knowing you, I can only surmise but it sounds like you maybe don't believe that the person really loves you? That they're lying to you? I know that sometimes when we feel really unlovable, it can be hard to take in that someone really does love us. Especially if you have been lied to in the past, or let down by someone who has said they love and then let you down somehow. Accepting that someone loves us can open us up to a vulnerability of being hurt by them. So maybe it's your body's way of protecting you and pushing them away? It sounds like this would be worth chatting through with someone, whether someone in real life or a listener here on 7Cups.
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