I'm currently suffering from a masturbation addiction, can anybody answer or help on this?
Jul 13, 2020
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I am sure you're going through a hard time, and the time it might feel like u cant overcome it, but with time and patience you can fight any battle hon! :)) you need to keep in mind that if you let it control you then it will become an addiction but if you control it then you wont have a problem at all! now what we're talking can be very tempting and i can understand how you feel, i felt the same way once, what i can suggest you is, that staying away from stuff that can trigger might help
Support for women at every stage
May 4, 2023
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i can help! as a young ex masturbater i can answer! you can start doing something else... i started watching porn to stop my masturbation addiction, i got addicted to porn so i started looking at sexual fanart then i got bored of the fanart and here i am, no masturbation addiction, no porn addiction and no sexual fanart addiction! you can just try to slowly limit your time in between and while masturbation!
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