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I am having a bad habit of masturbating daily, whenever I see something intimate I can't control myself. What should I do?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 31, 2019 more
There are a few tips to try and stop this behavior. The first is you can try and limit certain images that can trigger this. If there's that barrier there, over time it can help stop the habit. I would suggest blocking certain websites on phones, computers, etc for the time being. The second is to try and stay active. Finding other ways to release energy can be beneficial. Third, try spending time with others more often. Join a gym, meet up with friends, or taking a class can reduce time alone. If the problem persists, there are other measures that can be taken such as seeking professional help or joining a support group.
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Profile: niamh333
niamh333 on Sep 3, 2023 more
I'm wondering why you consider this a bad habit? Masturbation is a natural and healthy way to relax and enjoy our own bodies. Daily masturbation is entirely normal and as long as you are looking after yourself i.e. being hygienic and private etc., this is not a bad habit to have. If you genuinely wish to stop masturbating, is there a way you could avoid exposing yourself to erotic imagery/stimulation? i.e. avoiding pornography, erotic literature etc.? It is entirely up to you if you wish to stop masturbating, or masturbate less frequently but masturbation is not unhealthy and will not cause you any harm.
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