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How can I tell someone that I love him? What are the appropriate steps I can do?

Profile: jessicajessica
jessicajessica on Jul 27, 2021 more
You're so brave for thinking of taking this first step toward telling someone how you feel. When you're having an important conversation like this, it's good to make sure both you and the other person are calm and open to the conversation. If he's clearly upset or has had a bad day, it might not be a good time to tell him how you feel. When you tell him you love him, it can be helpful to tell him why you love him- what it is about his personality, his style, or his way of being in the world that drew you to him. As always, when you share how you feel, the other person might not feel the same way. Check in with yourself before you have this conversation and reflect on how you want to react if he says he loves you too and if he says he's not there yet. Either way, you can celebrate yourself for having the courage to be open and vulnerable with your feelings.
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