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I’m working out more than ever but still not losing weight. Why not?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 19, 2017 more
Exercise is awesome, but diet is what plays the biggest role in weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you will need to cut calories out of your diet. Additionally, you might be putting on muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so the same volume of muscle vs fat will weigh more. Therefore, weight alone may not be a reliable indicator of health so you might try observing your body to see if you have lost fat and/or gained muscle. If you want to do this in a measurable way, you could observe how you fit in clothes, find a scale that scans body fat percentage, or use tools like calipers or a measuring tape.
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Profile: MusicCandy
MusicCandy on Dec 16, 2017 more
It is nearly impossible to lose weight by exercise alone; the numbers just don't equal out that way. However, there are plenty of reasons to exercise anyway- both mental, physical and psychological. Most experts say healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of heart pumping activity a week, but it can be in small bits at a time. A variety of cardio, strength and flexibility exercise is also recommended for most people; which also helps you stick with a variety of different types of exercise. There are more factors that allow weight loss including healthy food choices, adequate sleep, a healthy social life, satisfying relationships ect. Most of us here are struggling with weight in one way or another and balance in our busy lives is hard. Look at all the factors and don't give up.
Profile: Willofheart
Willofheart on Jan 7, 2018 more
Is your diet in check? You'll have to consider your body type. If you're the type that puts on weight easy then you'd have to try and replace sugary foods with healthy fats and protein. Up your protein intake and keep your carb intake to a max of 50 gms a day. You should see results soon enough. Your diet is key to looking the way you want
Profile: iminmemumscar
iminmemumscar on Dec 14, 2020 more
As someone who works out a lot, you are probably gaining muscle and losing fat, therefore balancing your weight. Stepping on that scale will probably be the same number, or even more in cases. doesn't mean you aren't losing fat. Just make sure you have someone guiding you, or following a certified routine as dabbling in fitness as a beginner may not give you the results you want (although you might be putting in a lot of effort). This is also why it is encouraged to measure your waist, chest, arms, legs, etc. to find the measurements of your body because 1 kilo of muscle takes up almost half the mass of 1 kilo fat. It'll also take a while before seeing major changes in your body. The little details and changes is what keeps you going! Also around 20-30% of your weight depends on your exercise whereas 80-70% depends on your nutrition. Make sure you balance your nutrition too but I don't recommend a diet. Set smaller and more frequent goals, and don't force your body into anything. Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you approach it healthily, and please understand that your weight does not define you!
Profile: eeveeon
eeveeon on Dec 22, 2017 more
The issue with this question, is it is much more difficult to answer without knowing your genetic history, metabolism rate, your diet choices, and what kinds of work outs you are doing. Lets start with working out. The best work out for weight loss is plain and simple. It is cardio. Anything that gets your heart rate up will promote weight loss. Weight/strength training will only build muscle (which will show up as maintaining weight, or gaining weight). Remember, fat and muscle weighs the SAME. Your metabolism and diet have a factor in this too. Overall, losing weight means cutting down on fats and carbs. It is recommended that you don't cut them out completely and you don't starve because this will have adverse effects on you. It will NOT work. Try speaking to a doctor or dietician, they will advise that the best thing is reducing a caloric intake for weight-loss. (Don't reduce it too much. The average females caloric intake is 2000-2500 cals). Your genetic history is important to. Ask your parents/guardians if they know anything about it. You may find out that your bloodline has a higher difficulty losing weight. It may even been an underlying condition that means you have to work extra hard. All you need to do is ask around, try and find some personal details, and go from there! Good luck!
Profile: lostgirlfangirl
lostgirlfangirl on Jul 2, 2018 more
Sometimes your body doesn't trust you anymore and so working out more causes a huger weight stall. You either have to work out a lot and eat more or work out less and eat less.
Profile: ouiCherie
ouiCherie on Jun 23, 2021 more
Working out burns calories and make you fitter but also build muscles. And muscles burns fat that attach to them and they have weight too. So, that's your lifestyle. What about your diet? The basic concept that you must have known too is to lose weight the input has to be smaller than the output, regardless you're working out or not. There are many ways to lose weight. If you choose to work out a lot, you can eat or drink calories as usual as long as it's still smaller than your output. So, that's lifestyle and diet. What about your hormones? If you have an active lifestyle and healthy slim diet and still not losing weight, you may want to check with your GP if your hormones has been keeping your scale static. All the best!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 17, 2021 more
I think this was probably mentioned, but I'll focus on just this point and not the other points brought up as I think it's the most likely reason. If you're working out a whole lot, its highly likely that you're gaining muscle, which is good! Muscle mass weighs more but is leaner and takes up less space than the same amount of fat in weight. So you can still have a lot of muscle compared to a month ago, and lose fat. In fact, higher muscle mass boosts your metabolism as muscle requires more calorie consumption to maintain itself, so basically your body will be burning calories overnight, not just during your workout, if you're gaining muscle. This is very good for fat loss goals if you are trying to lose fat to become healthier, as gaining muscle helps the body burn more fat. The truth is it's very difficult to weigh too much in muscle unless you're a body builder with bulging muscles that weigh too much for your bones to carry without causing pain (I'm talking Schwarzenegger size-- you're VERY unlikely to be running this risk if you're focused on weight loss). You can weigh too much in fat for your body, though this varies and standardized size guidelines and weight guidelines are not always completely accurate. Fat to muscle ratio is a much better indicator of health. Of course, being a little more "fluffy" isn't inherently unhealthy as long as you're not obese, but, if you're wanting to become more slender or lose some belly fat for heart health, etc., please DON'T let the scale make you anxious. It's highly likely you're gaining muscle and that this is actually very healthy for you and is going to be super helpful for your fat loss goals.
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