Loud sneezing or making sounds while eating makes me go mad. What to do in such situations without making anyone feel embarrassed?
Nov 29, 2017
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Close your eyes and count to 20. Focus on the numbers and not sounds. If 20 is not enough go for more or start from 0 to 20 again until it works.
Nov 30, 2017
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Tell them that you need to pee and get out of there. Just make excuses and leave. Or listen to music while eating or secretly put something in your ear. Always avoid sitting next to the people you know sneeze loudly or eat with noise.
Dec 1, 2017
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As somebody who personally struggles with this, i can say that a few things that have helped me are to do things like excusing yourself from that type of situation if possible, just to calm down and be prepared to deal with things. Also, doing things like starting conversations can help distract you from focusing on the sounds that are making oyu uncomfortable.
Jan 17, 2018
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Breathe slowly, keep your body language relaxed, and try to ignore it. If it's someone you know well, and are around often, at a time where you are not eating, talk to them about your feelings on the matter and try to come to a solution to use during such moments. If someone is sneezing, just say bless you or some other such mannerism, and move on. Unfortunately, there isn't really much you can do about sneezing but grin and bear it.
Jan 28, 2018
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Maybe this seems too much of a desensitisation to go through. But read about how these sounds are produced and try understanding the procedure. Our brain tends to ignore whatever we already know and pushes it to the subconscious thereby letting you not pay a lot of attention to those sounds. Listen to those sounds often.
This is only a perspective. If you feel like this interrupts your daily activity kindly try approching for help through counselling or therapy.
Feb 9, 2018
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If it makes you go mad...
Maybe you should remove yourself from the situation if you can? This way you remove yourself from your major irritation whilst avoiding making anyone feel embarrassed
Feb 9, 2018
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If the situation calls for it, move away from the person or finish your meal quickly. Sometimes it helps to move away from the situation briefly to take a breathe and calm down.
Feb 21, 2018
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My advice would be to block the noise out and focus on something else but if you can't, then try to either tell the person to be a little quieter in a polite way (not in front of everyone) or to excuse yourself from the situation
Mar 1, 2018
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You can kindly notify them on their loud sounds. or if you cant do that maybe try and relocate yourself so that you arent as close to the source of your annoyance
Mar 9, 2018
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just keep it in... if you want very politely tell them that its bad table manners... and just keep it in
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