Loud sneezing or making sounds while eating makes me go mad. What to do in such situations without making anyone feel embarrassed?
Sep 9, 2016
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Find a thing that makes you feel happy and just 'feels' right, if you know what I mean. For example, I like looking at Watermelon and thinking of it because personally I find that calms me because it just 'feels right' and calms me down. I don't understand why, but thinking of the word calms me down in situations like this. For you, your thing could be anything, like kittens or those worlds most satisfying videos on YouTube or anything. Experiment, so you can imagine it in these situations and it should counter it
Oct 20, 2016
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Travel, so you can see more area and be more tolerant.
Nov 19, 2016
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Stop - take a breath, and say something good about the person in your head. Everyone has something good we can say about them - like they have pretty eyes, or a great smile . . . it's hard to upset when you are concentrating on something positive. We have more control over our thoughts and emotions then we think we do.
Dec 8, 2016
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Just try to ignore it, best way would be to try and learn how to live with it, It is okay to be annoyed.
Dec 11, 2016
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Try counting or focusing on your breathing, or try to focus on something else. If the person can help it like if they are chewing loudly just politely ask them to stop :)
Dec 14, 2016
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Just be polite and explain how you feel when these things happen. You could say that it isn't their fault and you are not angry with that person for doing these things. There should be no need for them to be embarrassed!
Feb 12, 2017
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Something to do in this type of situation is to kindly let them know it bothers you. Simply state that when they make noise when they eat bothers you and kindly ask them to stop.
Feb 15, 2017
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I have this exact problem. Mine is a sensory disorder. I would seek professional help as it can differ from person to person
Feb 17, 2017
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It is very frustrating when others around us do things that irritate or annoy us. There is always the option to politely ask the person to stop. I personally find that the more I try to control other people's behavior, the more unhappy I become. When I'm irritated I take a few deep breaths and try to focus on something else- the smell of the food, how it feels in my mouth, or the tapping of my foot on the floor.
Mar 16, 2017
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You may have sensory overload, as I do, In those instances, if it is someone I know I try to confront the, but if it is a stranger I try to block out the sounds around me and focus in on one thing and only one thing and therefore, block out sound.
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