I’m currently working as a summer camp counselor, and I still get int anxious before the start of a new week. I feel like all the other counselors are super close, but I’m on the outside of it?
Sep 24, 2018
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Just ask to hang out with them or have lunch together to talk about the camp and how it's going. Find out what their hobbies are and what you guys have in common besides having jobs as counselors at the same summer camp. Once you start to mingle and get in with the group, you won't feel as left out. They likely have just been counselors together before and have that experience to make them closer and to know who to turn to if they need any help or a kind shoulder or an ear to bend. It will all work out.
Jun 30, 2020
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It sounds like you’re anxious about being the new counselor? I have definitely been in your shoes before and I know how that can feel. It took time for me to warm up to a new environment and I’m sure you’ll warm up to everyone too. Have you ever thought of starting an icebreaker conversation with another counselor? Maybe, you can ask about their favorite band or activity, you may have more in common with them then you know. You were so brave to reach out to 7cups so I have faith that you can break the ice with your fellow counselors. You’ll be making connections in no time.
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