I am 57 and I’ve been shy all my life. I have no friends either. What can I do to come out of this lonely stage?
Apr 28, 2020
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I would suggest maybe try something online first if you find it hard to meet new people and build up a friendship that way and build up your confidence then after messaging for a while maybe try video chat. And to meet do it somewhere public and fun so it’s not quite as intense somewhere you feel comfortable. But don’t rush it just go with what you feel best it will be hard at first but it takes time or maybe try going somewhere where you could meet new people like a bar or somewhere you could have a good time
Sep 28, 2021
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Get out and approach first person that you see, ask if they know where is xy street or what time is it, that will help you with 1st contact and breaking fear of approaching strange persons. You can also try to visit places of your interest, if u are watching some tv series or have some hobbies, clubs would be great place to go with lot of people who are sharing the same love for something. But you need to show up there and remember, 1st step is always hardest. Also try to join some groups on social medias. Hope that this will find you good
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