Why do I wake up sweating?
Dec 5, 2015
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That could be because of a bad dream or when I feel uncomfortable or sick! It also happens when something unsettling occurs inside me!
Oct 28, 2015
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If your room is well ventilated and you are sweating despite the Air conditioning being switched on, then there could be several reasons that range from anxiety attacks and nightmares to a health condition. If you notice erratic heart rate and heavy breathing accompany the sweating, then you probably had a nightmare or a panic attack in your sleep. Introspect and think if there's something that you are very scared of or worried about. But if the problem persists, you should probably visit your doc.
Try drinking some cold water or splash some on your face, if it helps.
Sep 9, 2015
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You might wake up sweating because you're anxious or nervous about something. You could also be having some troubling dreams.
Sep 3, 2015
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It might be because of nightmares. Do you remember your dreams? Another possible reason is too much stress and anxiety that piles up during the day.
Aug 26, 2015
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There are several reasons as to why you wake up, sweating. They are a bad dream, a warm room temperature or even a physical condition that causes hot flashes.
Aug 29, 2015
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You may wake up sweating because you are nervous. Don't worry, this happens often. Try talking to a close friend. It will help, believe me :)
Apr 23, 2016
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There are many different reasons you can wake up sweating. Overall it's a biological response to your sleeping environment being too warm. That could simply mean your just tossing and turning too much, it could mean that you had a bad dream, or it could just be that the room was too warm under the covers. If you think it's a dream, try and connect with a friend about it and reflect.
Aug 19, 2015
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This can be caused by nightmares or just getting hot. However, you should seek medical attention because some diseases can cause this, for example, diabetes, HIV, and Tuberculosis to name a few.
Aug 20, 2015
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Well, there might be a lot of reason. First of all, may be weather causes your sweating. The room you sleep may be too hot to sleep. If degree of room is normal but you still sweating, may be you saw a bad dream and that caused it. I'm not qualified about this but for what i live, these things causes wake up sweating. I hope its helpful.
Aug 20, 2015
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Maybe a bad dream, my anxious thoughts in your sleep, maybe the room is too hot lol. To be serious though anxiety can plague us even after the sun goes down.
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