Why can't I sleep at night?
Mar 21, 2020
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There are a variety of factors to consider if you are having difficulties falling asleep. Are you overstimulated? Are you anxious about past or upcoming events? Did you consume anything with caffeine? Caffeinated Soft-drink can contribute to that. Screens-time right before bed has also shown to contribute to the challenges. Medically, insomnia (to varying degrees) can also be the cause,
Some strategies that may help include taking a bath before going to bed, having white noise in the background, meditating, or even taking Melatonin (available over the counter). Exercising before bed can also be an option if you want to tire your body out.
Apr 2, 2020
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Why can't I sleep at night?
The answer might be like this: Anxiety, stress, and depression are some of the most common causes of chronic insomnia. Having difficulty sleeping can also make anxiety, stress, and depression symptoms worse. Other common emotional and psychological causes include anger, worry, grief, bipolar disorder, and trauma.
But it can also be as easy, as looking at your screen (phone laptop desktop tv) before you want to sleep.
So you might want to avoid that.
You can try to read a book (a paper one) about 1 hour before bed. With just a little bit of light on in the room.
It really changed a lot for me.
Go give it a try!
Apr 10, 2020
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There are several ways to deduct on why you have trouble sleeping at night especially in this modern era.
You may already know that the blue light from your phone and TV can trick your brain to think that it is not yet night time, causing you to feel refreshed even when you are sleepy before.
This is why it is not recommended to spend your time playing with your phone or watching TV right before you go to sleep. Especially if the stimulation is so high that your brain will need some time to bring the stimulation down before you can fully relax to go to sleep. I recommend you to put away your phone at least 1 hour before your bed time to avoid this to happen.
There is another reason which is more uncommon - You are having a lot of thought in your mind right now, so much that you can't stop thinking about them even when you are suppose to go to sleep. This won't go just like that, at least not in a short time.
You can layout your bare thoughts on a paper and write it all down until you can't think of anything to write out. Had this experience before and it took me almost 20 minutes of non-stop writing just to get my thoughts out, well it is better than not having sleep at all.
Apr 12, 2020
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Well there might be a lot of reasons why you aren't able to sleep at night. But my reason used to be cause my thoughts kept me awake at night. I kept replaying my day over and over again I my head. Thinking about every single mistake that I had made that day and about all the things that I should have done and should have said. And that made me feel really low and I was feeling like I didn't earn the sleep and that I'm just a failure and everyone hates me. But after a while I realized that that's not the case. You can't really change the past so why keep replying over and over again why not just move on.
Apr 23, 2020
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There are various reason you might struggle to fall asleep. The most common I think is having a lot of thought. To fall asleep your mind needs to be kind of turning off, so if you're constantly thinking of something, trying to find answers or something like this falling asleep is really hard. Another reason you can't sleep might be that you're scared to sleep. This might happen if you have a lot of nightmares, or scared of the dark. Fear of dark can get worse if your in a bad place mentally, because ou might project your struggles in the shdows making them even scarier. So, what can you do about this? Personally I suggest drinking camomile before going to bed and not whatching screens for half an hour before sleeping. If you're scared of the dark leave a light on, that's okay. Also, try to read someting before going to sleep so you think about the book instead of your life before sleeping. I hope I was helpful.
Apr 26, 2020
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Not being able to sleep at night seems like really worries you. It is understandable a person's sleep pattern affects his/her mood and overall wellbeing. It is important to understand that phenomenon from various perspectives and assess the situation more precisely. However, sleep hygiene might be helpful. It includes using the bed only for sleeping purposes, stop watching tv or working on the computer an hour before going to sleep, regular exercise might help you as you feel more tired. It is also recommended to avoid eating heavy food in the evening or sweets as it might spike your glucose level; as a result, you feel more energized. Relaxation music and meditation might help you too. If the problem is persistent and severe, it might be necessary to see a doctor.
Apr 30, 2020
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There could be quite a few different reasons. Anxiety or using technology too close to bedtime are some pretty common reasons. The light from tv, cell phones, tablets, etc. tell your brain to stay awake. Sometimes eating too close to bedtime can be an issue too. You might need to try tweaking a few of your activities before you figure out the cause. Try to stop technology use at least 30 minutes before bed. If you think you might be eating too close to bedtime, try to stop eating 2-3 before you plan to sleep. If you think it might be anxiety related, try to do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Breath in deeply for 4 seconds, hold it in for 7 seconds, and then slowly breath out for 8 seconds. This can be repeated 3-5 times to help steady your breathing and leave you feeling a bit more calm.
May 6, 2020
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Unable to sleep at night can consist of a few things. Having caffeine to late can affect falling sleeping, exercising late, anxiety, stress, and depression. Unable to sleep can also make symptoms worse. You may want to make accommodations to your schedule during the day. Unable to sleep can also be an underlying mental or physical issue. Try to relax and take your mind off of racing thoughts, avoid technology (phones, computers, or TV) before bed, and good sleep hygiene (activities that signal the body to sleep at night). Also build a sleeping plan that focuses on the goals you want.
Jun 6, 2020
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There could be many reasons why one can't sleep at night. Perhaps a lack of physical activity means your body has a lot of energy which it needs to use up. On the other end, if you're doing something physically intensive; your heart rate will be high which meas your brain is not in a "mood" to go to sleep. Staring at screens before sleeping has also been found to cause sleeping problems. Also, if you have something on your mind that worries you, that you could be overthinking about, means that your brain is more consumed by that matter than it is ready to sleep.
Jun 24, 2020
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Sometimes, we are so stressed that thoughts are constantly taking up space and energy. Maybe, you haven't eaten enough and that causes insomnia as well. One thing I would recommend is trying melatonin pills and see if that might help your sleep. Additionally, setting a normal sleep schedule is important for your body to get used to. For example, always sleeping at midnight and waking up at 8am. It is important to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep as an adult. Taking naps during the day that are longer than 20-30 minutes may mess up your sleep schedule.
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