What does it mean when your dreams feel so real?
Jan 7, 2016
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Only actions can build the bridge between dream and reality. They are different realms. When the two become one ( let us exclude mental dysfunctions and illnesses haha) it simply means you did the right thing to achieve your own little close to perfect scenario in life.
Jul 13, 2016
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I'm not sure that it means too much, but real dreams can be a good way to highlight the emotions that you are dealing with at the moment. By analysing dreams we can try to see what we need to address in our lives.
Dec 9, 2015
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Firstly, my understanding for the "purpose" of a dream is to resolve unfinished thoughts left over from the day before. They occur every night, but we only remember certain ones for their strange nature, desirable experience, or fearful story lines. Also, dreams can use symbolism to represent hidden meanings that are specifically relevant to the dreamer. So to conclude, I believe the reason our dreams feel real sometimes is because of what has happened to you, and your powerful reaction to this.
Apr 6, 2018
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It means it felt so lucid, it seemed like you were awake and actually able to feel and think. Maybe even intentionally carry out the dream even.
Dec 9, 2015
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I think it means that you've been subconsciously reminded of something meaningful or important to your life. It feels real because it spoke to you in a way that's very true to your life. I think it's partially a representation of your mind trying to work through something - sometimes I think it can show how something is influencing you right in front of you without you even knowing it.
May 20, 2016
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When my dreams feel so real, it seems like I am living in an entirely different world- a world with new possibilities, ideas, opportunities and relationships. A world where I can be whoever I want to be.
May 26, 2016
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I personally feel if a dream feels so real you could almost reach out and grab the closest object (depending on what it is.) It could really happen. All depending on how realistic your dream is.
Aug 7, 2016
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For me I try to look at what my dream might represent. What I might be trying to tell myself unconsciously.
Mar 29, 2018
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When your dreams feel real, Your probably experiencing Lucid dreaming, a state of dreaming where everything seems... Very real
Feb 17, 2015
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Real dreams for me mean things I am often struggling with in my real life, but that I run away from.
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