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Profile: wisdomdepth1111
wisdomdepth1111 on Dec 17, 2015
Sleeping Well Expert more
When you feel as if you are seeing them come up in your life through signs. Messages, spiritual signs, and awakening...feeling as if it is all meant to be and intended by so much. -ie
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Profile: StormyAngles18
StormyAngles18 on Dec 25, 2015
Sleeping Well Expert more
If you are having dreams that feel so real to you. You have whats called vivid dreams which are very bright with color and are so close to reality that you can pick out which is which.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 21, 2016 more
It probably means that it's about to happen in your life for real. Pay attention to the dreams like that.
Profile: magiktoes
magiktoes on Dec 11, 2015
Sleeping Well Expert more
Perhaps your dreams feel so real because your subconscious is really trying to get you to pay attention to something going on in your life!
Profile: thebartendereffect
thebartendereffect on Jan 16, 2015
Sleeping Well Expert more
Dreams that feel extremely real are known as vivid dreams, and they can be caused by a broad spectrum of things, from abnormal sleep patterns to stress to mental illness to diet. One thing is for sure, if you are suddenly experiencing frequent vivid dreams, you should consider seeing a doctor to make sure it isn't health-related. Pregnancy can also increase frequency in vivid dreaming, so if you have a little one on the way, chances are you are just fine. One way to cope with vivid dreaming is to attempt to practice lucid dreaming - the art of knowing you are dreaming inside the dream. It isn't an easy thing to learn, but there are a lot of books and articles on the subject, if you're interested.
Profile: WhisperingPiano
WhisperingPiano on Dec 30, 2015 more
I think there are so many theories on dreams, it will be difficult if not impossible to come to one conclusion but I can add my two cents :). I have had the incredibly realistic dreams (good or bad) when my anxiety has been at a high. I would have had a bad day of anxiety, or tried to fight off panic attacks, or gone to bad and fought for sleep because my heart was pounding. When I eventually fall asleep my dreams feel detailed, enlarged, and very real. I wake up dazed and confused and it takes me a while to realise where I am. I think this could be due to 2 things. Firstly, with anxiety, cortisol levels are incredibly high so I think this chemical must add to the dreams. Secondly, with all the emotions that have been felt during the day (which can be traumatic or emotionally exhausting) it makes sense that dreams would be affected and become vivid. Hope this helps :)
Profile: thatgirl1269
thatgirl1269 on Dec 13, 2015 more
Well it's called lucid dreaming. As to what it means, I'm not 100% sure. Sometimes they seem so real that I've actually thought to myself (in the dream) "I know this is a dream but I also know I'm here - this is a REAL PLACE - I have to take a photo to prove I was here" and then I realised "but how do I get it out of this 'dream world' into the waking world? I know, I'll put it under my pillow" and then argued with myself that that was impossible. When dreams feel real, I think they can have a very profound effect on you & it's definitely either your subconscious working on 'stuff' or else I truly believe sometimes we visit other "planes" when we sleep.
Profile: NandaOfOuterSpace
NandaOfOuterSpace on Dec 30, 2015 more
It can mean that you are experiencing a strong emotion while awake, as love or fear or anger. I often dream with people I really care about or people I'm upset with, and the dreams are always feel pretty real.
Profile: Caringmemory98
Caringmemory98 on Dec 11, 2015 more
When dreams feel real its devastating as my dreams are always nightmares... the very same one again and again I suffer from ptsd so my dreams arevmy prison I am stuck... dreaming of the traumatic event that changed me forever having to live through it all is soo hard I wish my dreams didn't feel real
Profile: redwhispers
redwhispers on Jan 3, 2016 more
I think it's your subconscious processing actual events that occur or that could occur. Your emotions can play a big role in how you sleep.
Profile: HazelEyes2
HazelEyes2 on Jan 30, 2016 more
It may not mean anything in particular. It could just be your body's way of processing things that have been on your mind recently, or in the past.
Profile: HakunaMatata2k
HakunaMatata2k on Jan 2, 2016 more
I'm no oneirologist but to me if a dream really does feel so real to you then maybe that is because you have a very strong bond with that dream or a very strong view point on the situation of that dream and you feel very strongly about it.
Profile: Dontwurry
Dontwurry on Dec 17, 2015 more
Is that what has been happening to you? Have you been dreaming about the events that have been undertaking in your life?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 26, 2016 more
dreams are the portal to another world so it could be a real experience in another cuold actually be your subconscious trying to deal with troubles
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 19, 2018 more
If you dream feel real , it may turn out to be real I’ve had a couple dreams that felt real that actually really came true it just didn’t happen in the same setting
Profile: vyyvvy
vyyvvy on Jan 2, 2016 more
Dreams that feel extremely real are known as vivid dreams, and they can be caused by a broad spectrum of things, from abnormal sleep patterns to stress to mental illness to diet. One thing is for sure, if you are suddenly experiencing frequent vivid dreams, you should consider seeing a doctor to make sure it isn't health-related. Pregnancy can also increase frequency in vivid dreaming, so if you have a little one on the way, chances are you are just fine. One way to cope with vivid dreaming is to attempt to practice lucid dreaming - the art of knowing you are dreaming inside the dream. It isn't an easy thing to learn, but there are a lot of books and articles on the subject, if you're interested.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 31, 2016 more
It is nothing harmful it is just a result of you being in a very deep state of sleep so you forget what reality is
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 18, 2015 more
When a dream feels real it means that you are really involved in that dream and that you're thinking hard about something. Dreams that you remember afterwards are the bizarre dreams that acquire your attention or that didn't make sense. usually you dream a lot and forget most dreams because you came to a conclusion while dreaming. But the things you remember were problems without solution.
Profile: nuuuris
nuuuris on May 20, 2016 more
To be honest with you it happens to me all the time! sometimes I even confuse the reality with my dreams and I get crazy trying to difference both! I personally don't think that it means necesarilly anything. Some people have more imagination than others and our brains can represent dreams more real rather than other people can! However, there are internet pages that you can check where they show you what your dreams meant! If you are keen on this stuff maybe you could buy a book about it! If you want to talk about it or have more doubts please message me! Hugs💞
Profile: SocialButterfly31
SocialButterfly31 on Mar 13, 2015 more
I feel as you can look at a dream book and it can decode what is in your dreams I really do belief sometimes your dreams can predict the future or they can rewind and look at the past.
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