I can never seem to wake up early no matter how much I want to - what's the best way to develop this habit?
Aug 15, 2016
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Sleeping the adequate quantity of hours, approximately 8 hours per day is okay
Also avoiding smoking, or doing exercise and using the cellphone/notebook/tv before you go to sleep since the brain keeps working when you lay down
Sep 6, 2016
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Don't release on alarms. Set an activity that you enjoy in the morning to motivate you in waking up early
Sep 26, 2016
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A good way to train yourself to change sleeping patterns is to do it slowly. ... start getting up half an hour earlier each day til you hit the time you would like. This may also include going to bed a bit earlier as well. I find its easier to wake up earlier if it's bright in your room so open those blinds before you go to sleep and you'll have bright wake up call. .. also I don't enjoy waking up to an alarm so I set it to music instead.
Oct 24, 2016
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consistent sleeping patterns, set yourself a bed time and stick to it. Your body will slowly start to recognise this pattern and will start to wake you up automatically. Other tips that I use are to set two alarm clocks the first being "Should probably wake up now" the second being " If you don't get up now you'll be fired". Also the biggest tip I can give is to harness the power of the sun, I sleep with my curtains open so the sun naturally wakes me up in the morning. Feel free to message me if you want to chat about it :)
Jan 31, 2017
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Resetting your sleep schedule will be really difficult, but it's doable. The trick is to wake up at the same time every day no matter what. Even if you have a bad sleep, you need to wake up at that set time to develop the pattern. Once awake, get ready for your day, no matter if you have things to do or not. Eat breakfast and your meals on time to get your body's digestive clock synched up so it understands when it's time to sleep and time to wake. Lastly, be sure to avoid food and intense activity late at night before bed, and this will keep your mind and stomach active. Read a boring or calming book and do your best to avoid your phone and computer screens. Then, in the morning, drink a full glass of water first thing, this will help with your grogginess and wake you up faster. Good luck!
Feb 28, 2017
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The best way to develop the habit of waking up early is to set activities in the morning you are excited for, placing your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. If a problem of getting up early is going to bed late, make sure to try to go to bed earlier. Your body needs sleep to be able to function! Without that sleep, it will be harder to get up early.
Sep 26, 2017
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Set an alarm and set whatever has the alarm on it across the room. When you wake up move around, I like to drink lemon water to wake myself up in the morning. Also remember that if you don’t wake up early one day it’s ok because your human your going to mess up every ones in a while.
Mar 20, 2018
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If you can't wake up early no matter how much you wanted to, to develop this habit you can either going to bed earlier, or stoping internet usages earlier before bedtime.
Apr 24, 2018
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If you're pushing yourself around or trying too hard to start waking up at 6 when you really wake up at 9, it is very difficult to start.
It may be more helpful if you develop this habit gradually. So like the example, I used above if you wake up at 9 but want to make 6 your goal, you should try to wake up at 8:30 first.
Doing it slowly will get you started, and you'll probably be able to get where you want if you keep yourself relatively satisfied and not miserable.
And just as a side note:
If you change your schedule too quickly, it really will be too difficult to manage. Changing your Circadian Rythm or making it too inconsistent too quickly will cause you to probably relapse back.
Oct 19, 2020
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There are many great apps for alarm clocks which will force you to wake up . They have a tasks to be completed for the alarm to stop . Initial few days will be tough . But try not to fall asleep again. Making the bed immediately ensures that you won't climb into bed after stopping the alarm . And then not taking any naps during the day will ensure that you fall asleep early at night . In just a few days you'll be able to get up early feeling fresh . I Hope this helps you .
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