How much sleep should I get daily?
Mar 22, 2020 more
Sleep is important to your physical and mental health, and getting sufficient amount of sleep is important. Most people agree that you need between seven and nine hours sleep. But a variety of factors such as age, health, amount of activity will impact the right number. IIt is also ok if you feel you need more or less than usual but if your sleep is impacting in other ares of life or if your concerned about your sleep you should speak to your doctor as they can help by giving you medical advice that is specific to your needs.
Mar 26, 2020 more
If memory serves, 7 to 8 hours is what is recommended for an adult. Slightly more 9 to 10 is reccomended for teenagers. But of course everyone is different, I'd try 8 hours and see if you feel well rested the next day. If not then try 9. If you find you feel groggy and sluggish this might also be from too much sleep. So then try getting a little less. Just find the right balance that works for you and try to stick to it. If you do it long enough you might even find yourself waking up a few minutes before your alarm.
Apr 8, 2020 more
This question is individual. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours, but some people might feel fully rested after 6 hours of sleep and some wont feel fully rested until after 10 hours of sleep. The time of falling asleep might affect how rested you feel aswell. Going to bed very late and waking up late can make you tired even though you have had your 8 hours. The sleep realy affects your mood. I would try to go to bed before midnight but cant always fall asleep instantly. Waking up early gives you lots of time for you to do what you want during the day :)
Apr 8, 2020 more
As a person who wants to study psychology, I can safely say that sleep is crucial. And it has been shown time and time again, from a psychological perspective. If you sleep less than six hours, you are shortchanging the brain of learning restoration time, so you are less productive than usual. Additionally, shorter sleep means a shorter lifespan. Insufficient sleep can increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, depression, and anxiety. To answer the question concisely, I would just listen to the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults sleep an average of eight hours a night. However, it varies greatly from person to person, but no one should go below six because it can be highly detrimental to your cognition. If you want to know more, you should check out a book by Matthew Walker, PhD "Summary & Discussions of Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams."
Apr 9, 2020 more
8 hours is the daily recommended sleep everyone should get. 9 Hours is the recommended for teenagers. Melatonin is a natural chemical produced by the body that causes tiredness. This is something that can be bought in various mg over the counter and does no harm. Tea can be made from valerian root which is also naturally sleep inducing. Activities you do in your bed should exclusively be sleeping, otherwise your body will train itself not to sleep in that place. If you take a nap it should be 29 minutes long as that is the maximum for optimal restfulness.
Apr 19, 2020 more
The short answer is: it depends. 6-8 hours is widely recommended, but some people could need more. If you work a lot during the day, you will need more quality sleep. It is supported that although hours of sleep do matter, the quality of your sleep is even more important. By having a good night routine, peaceful surroundings, and a good bed/pillow, it can help ensure quality sleep. Being happy and healthy also plays a role in how much sleep you need. When you are happy and less stressed, your body will be able to function with less sleep compared to if you are unhealthy and in a constant bad state of mind. Anywhere from 6-10 hours is reasonable, and every person should experiment with what works best for their body.
Apr 24, 2020 more
Sleep is so so so so important to be able to take care of our selves and when we want to help other people too! A normal amount of sleep really depends on how old you are. As a teen ager, you should be getting about 7 8 9 or even 10 hours. you will see that after you get a good nights sleep, your day will be so much better as opposed to a day you did not get good sleep! Now with no school, our sleep schedules can get super whacked, but do not let them!!! Get good sleep you guys!
Apr 24, 2020 more
You should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily as it is very much beneficial for mind and body. Sleeping less cause problems in mind and body as the body doesn’t get adequate rest. Sleeping is very much important and sleeping on the right time too, we should avoid late time work and try to sleep on time as the person who doesn’t sleep at the right time won’t be able to wake up at the required time and will feel lazy through out the day causing problems to his day to day work and social activities, so one must sleep at least 8hours to feel fresh during morning hours.
Apr 30, 2020 more
I believe this varies greatly depending on your own personal needs. A number of factors are taken in to consideration, for example this would include your age, gender and your daily activities to calculate the appropriate amount of sleep for you as an individual. I try to aim for 8 hours sleep each night however this fluctuates greatly depending on what I have done that day, how my diet has been and what lies ahead for me the following day. If you're concerned about your sleeping pattern or ability to sleep, a GP would be happy to help you out.
May 2, 2020 more
Sleeping 8 hours a day and that also on time is highly recommended. I have seen it in my life that whenever my sleep cycle get disrupted, I faced anxiety issues and irritation the next day. So to take care of your mind you should be sleeping at least 6 hours to 8 hours. A good sleep ensures your good mental health which in turn helps in physical health too. It's because of stress every other disease happens to our body. So just be calm, stay healthy, and have a good night sleep. I wish you all the best.
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