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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 28, 2015 more
I used to have this problem for a very long time, and I know what a pain in the neck it can be. But I will tell you what I did in order to tackle this problem-- I listened to audio recordings of guided mediation. here's a video by a channel that I often listen to on youtube: Check it out and see if it helps you relax and fall asleep faster!
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Profile: yourfriendnikhil
yourfriendnikhil on May 12, 2016 more
One overthinks at night only when he/she stays awake longer than he must. Firstly if you sleep timely, you would not have time to overthink. But sometimes if you are unable to sleep, you overthink. To avoid it, just close your eyes and think and remember about the good things that happened in your life. Try to stay positive. Even in the worst of conditions, try to stay positive and look at the brighter side of things. Talk to yourself and tell yourself that everything is going to be all right. Just hold tight.
Profile: amongtheunderground100
amongtheunderground100 on Jun 13, 2015 more
Challenge yourself! Try naming as many Disney movies, car brands, or songs by your favorite artist etc. as you can! It usually tires you out, distracts you from ruminating, and helps you take your mind off of things while playing to human nature's competitive spirit, even if it's just with yourself.
Profile: adoredSpace32
adoredSpace32 on Jun 18, 2016 more
Choose a word that means nothing. The word must be gibberish. Everytime that you start thinking, interrupt yourself with that word. It will help you lose your train of thought.
Profile: porcelaina
porcelaina on Apr 28, 2016 more
Take a hot shower or drink some herbal tea before bed to get you to sleep as soon as possible. If there are no night time rituals that make you feel sleepy, try watching a movie or talking to one of us lovely listeners until you fall asleep!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2016 more
Do not be an active participant in your thoughts. Disentangle yourself from the incessant monologue/imagery/whatever by observing it. You are not your thoughts. Most (90%~) thoughts are very automatic and happen all by themselves, almost like an autonomous bodily function - like digestion, or your heart beat. It is easy to forget you are not what you think, if you're in your head a lot. You are overly identifying with your thoughts, and so your physioemotional state reflects that. So you must learn to decouple from them. Start by learning to step back from thought and dispassionately observe, and after that you can even learn to silence thought altogether whenever you want.
Profile: CoffeeTeaAndHonesty
CoffeeTeaAndHonesty on Apr 14, 2015 more
One method that seems to work fairly well for this is writing out a list of things that are on your mind to deal with in the morning.
Profile: CloudySnowflake
CloudySnowflake on May 21, 2016 more
Well, what I do to stop myself from over thinking is to visualise all my worries and problems as little colourful bouncy balls. I collect them all up and put them in a box, and close the box :) I just think to myself that I can open that box tomorrow morning, but they are put away for the night so I can sleep!
Profile: angelstarshinelove
angelstarshinelove on May 20, 2016 more
You can try to have a worry time in the day and tell yourself to calm down.Try to associate your bedroom with peace and quiet,instead of frustration and anxiety.I'm always available if you need me.
Profile: Theserainydays
Theserainydays on Oct 29, 2016 more
Mindfulness meditation can really help! I'd suggest looking through the mindfulness exercises on 7cups.
Profile: cannoninvienna
cannoninvienna on Aug 4, 2015 more
You can stop overthinking at night by focusing on your breathe, which is a form of meditation. If that is not your "cup of tea" you can try to take deep breathes and think of something that makes you happy. Listening to music is always plan C!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 27, 2016 more
dont think that you shouldnt overthink things. Just let yourself be free and do what ever you want and when you are tired,sleep. Its just all in your head always remember that you couldnt stop the waves but you can learn to surf
Profile: MissNadia
MissNadia on May 31, 2018 more
I try to firstly become aware that im overthinking which will eventually lead to stress do i stop ..clise my eyes and breathe slowly and think about one solid blank colour till my mind becomes tired and overwhelmed with sleep
Profile: olimaar
olimaar on Oct 26, 2015 more
Try to read a book or watch a movie before you go to bed, and stop on the cliffhanger. Then, spend your time in bed thinking about the possible outcomes of the cliffhanger.
Profile: KiForEverybody
KiForEverybody on Aug 24, 2015 more
Thinking... what you do to over thinking? and when you are in the cinema and you are taken by a film are you taken also by this over thinking or are you focused on what is going on on the screen? soo to stop over thinking at night, change the focus of your thinking. By the way switching of the NeoCortex will help a lot!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 27, 2015 more
Try find some methods of self-expression to maintain these thoughts. For example, you could write in a journal every night before bed to keep those thoughts from overwhelming you.
Profile: Kaylei72
Kaylei72 on Mar 24, 2015 more
Relax your mind. Try to clear your mind of any thoughts that are affecting you in any way. Be strong and make sure your muscles are relaxed
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 6, 2015 more
I fall asleep listening to something, I have QI on or something similar to stop my mind from wandering onto stressful subjects.
Profile: sid8080
sid8080 on Apr 30, 2016 more
well firs t accept that you are thinking much.. do meditation which help you be calm and peace do some excerise it will help you develop positive attitudeand a very nice sleep talk to the person about your thinking it will hewlp you realx
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2016 more
This is quite common. A lot of people can't turn their brains off at night. I would highly recommend for you to search mindfulness
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