Why do I keep thinking about cutting when I haven't cut in years?
Apr 17, 2015
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Cutting is always at the back of your mind once you've done it / tried it - it's an addiction and you think back to it constantly.
Feb 24, 2015
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Your brain still craves it. See, when you cut your brain released endorphins. These endorphins are like adrenaline. Your brain acknowledges that feeling as something good. Every time you self harm that endorphin is released. That is why over a period of time you might do more self harm, or a different type. Your brain craves the feeling. Your brain is addicted to the feeling. So its like a drug. After you stop, you are still going to want it. No matter what. But it gets easier to ignore. And it does go away to the point you don't even notice it.
May 21, 2015
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Cutting is a coping mechanism that helps alleviate some emotional pain you are feeling in the short term. Whether you are thinking about it or actually doing it, cutting is a sign that something else is bothering you and you need to address it as soon as possible.
Jun 30, 2015
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Because it was a part of you, once. And so it will always be a part of you. That doesn't mean you have to relapse, or anything like that. It's almost like scar tissue, its a sign of something that has healed, but will always be there. A sign of your strength.
Sep 7, 2015
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It's kind of addicition. You can't completely stop thinking about it because you remember how well you felt when you were cutting, you remember that in that moment you forgot about everything. And now even if you haven't cut in years you still can see the decision of your problems in self harm. You should always find alternatives and fight with the thought of self harm. You are strong, I believe in you
Nov 30, 2015
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It might be because something happened which triggered it. Do you have any recent events which might have awoken this urge something traumatic or eventful? Then you need to face this even and try to work positively with it.
Apr 13, 2015
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For some people that thought will be in the back of your mind for a very long time, thats okay! The fact you havnt cut for years is a very very strong thing to have done!
Apr 4, 2017
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Cutting could have been something you used to manage stress. It is not a healthy tactic, but maybe you are feeling stressed and it is triggering thoughts of self harm.
Mar 25, 2019
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Cutting is a hard habit to break; its addictive and you can sometimes believe it’s your only way of escapism. Once you start, even if you haven’t relapsed in years, the triggers can still be difficult to ignore. Control is also a huge part of self harm - you can do what you want on your own terms. When everything seems to be out of your control, cutting can be the only thing that is in your power. Even though urges are so tempting, cutting is not healthy! The scars are regrettable and the physical pain DOES NOT take away the emotional pain. Alternatives: breathing techniques, drawing where you feel the urge to cut, tearing up paper, reading a book, listening to music, throwing away all of your self harm equipment. It is easier said than done, but once you’re there, there is no need to look back! It can be done, and I’m proud of you all.
May 2, 2017
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Since you have done it before it is in your consiousness. You have cut yourself because you wanted to escape from a situation. So it is normal to still get reminded of that, maybe because you feel the same way you felt or maybe because that was the only solution at those times and your brain still thinks its a solution.
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