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Whenever I bandage myself with rolled gauze I can never get it tight enough, so it always ends up slipping off. I want to be able to bandage myself properly. Any tips?

Profile: niamh333
niamh333 on Dec 6, 2023 more
Okay so I have 3 suggestions on this. Assuming you have already put a dressing on the wound, and want to bandage over that, there are self adhesive bandages you can get that clings to itself so you can get it good and secure. It's similar to vet wrap and comes in lots of different colors, as well as nude tones. The only downside is you need to use an additional dressing underneath it. If you meant to use a bandage directly on the wound, one option would be to stick the first piece down the micropore or skin safe tape, that way you can wind it tightly without that end coming loose. Another option would be to use a tubular bandage that does not need to be rolled around your limb. I hope this helps :)
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