What's the best way to tell my friends that I self harm without them telling anybody?
May 2, 2017
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The best way is to makes sure that you trust them (which you should if they're your friends), and just make sure that they know it's important that they keep it to themselves. Let them know that you would really like their support and that you're not ready for anyone else but them to know just yet. If they are your friends, I'm sure they will be able to respect your privacy.
Jan 25, 2016
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I'd tell them that it's not for them to tell other people about. I would also tell them that if things got serious, then I would be open to letting someone know.
Mar 5, 2018
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Is your friend trustworthy? If yes just tell them not to tell anyone about it. I think they already know that theyre not supposed to tell anyone else about it.
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