What have others used to replace self harm as a coping mechanism?
Apr 7, 2020
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I have found that any behavior that is harmful to myself can be replaced with a habit that is one that helps me thrive.
The first step is to recognize a behavior is harmful. I usually write down what I want to change and my motivation or reason why it is of benefit to do something different.
I ask myself why I am harming myself and journal about my feelings. I explore what and how I can do something else to cope.
As an example I have cut back on alcohol consumption by learning to deep breath and to meditate.
It has taken time, practice and patience with myself. Sometimes I fall back into harmful habits but choose to try again and be good to myself.
Aug 11, 2020
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Exercise is a great substitute for self harm. Anything that exerts the body in some way, that distracts and takes over is a very potent way of avoiding self harm but still push the body in a way that is healthy. Meditation is another good method, letting the anxiety or pain or panic smoothly disappear from your mind, observing its grasp on you and its slow decline and disappearance. It is the best way to avoid the permanent harm and danger of cutting yourself or using other self-destructive methods in attempting to cope with your emotional and or psychological pain.
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