What exactly counts as self harm?
Feb 14, 2017
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Self harm is any way in which you would intentionally cause harm to your body. Any things that hurts you, that you do with the intention of feeling pain, qualifies as self harm.
May 7, 2015
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Anything that you are doing to yourself that makes you feel pain, mentally or physically. Mostly it is noticed as physical pain (i.e. cutting).
Feb 14, 2017
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Self harm is any activity that causes injury to oneself. By extension, disordered eating habits could be considered such, though it isn't traditional. The most common examples are cutting and burning oneself; however, pinching, picking at the skin, and head banging are all examples.
Jun 18, 2015
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Self-harm is any act of deliberately harming your own body as an unhealthy way to cope with emotional pain, intense anger and frustration. Examples include cutting, burning or punching one's self.
Apr 11, 2016
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Anything that has to do with harming yourself in anyway shape ir form, it could be hitting yourself, cutting, burning, starving, hair pulling, bitting or anything that hurts you
Jun 17, 2016
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Self harm is pretty much anything that you do to harm yourself in any way. This could be by cutting, burning, purging, starving, or many other things.
Jun 28, 2016
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Any way that your are causing physical harm to your body.
Oct 17, 2016
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Self-harm is just as the name implies; harm to yourself. This could be cutting or scratching, burning, and some consider addictions and eating disorders to be self-harm as well.
Nov 1, 2016
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Self harm is any form of hurting yourself like cutting, smoking, burning, scratching, or whatever in their different levels.
Jul 23, 2018
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Self harm can actually be many things. As well as cutting, it can also be burning yourself, biting yourself or even pulling out your own hair.
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