What do I say to people that ask about my scars without making them uncomfortable?
Oct 6, 2016
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You dont owe anybody an explanation for you having scars on your body. That is personal to you and unless this person is a close friend or family member its rather rude for them to ask. If you dont want to tell them the reasons for your scars just tell them ''Im not comfortable telling you that.''
Oct 13, 2016
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Subtly tell them something about it but not enough to scare them. Just be open about it and only answer the things that makes you comfortable
Oct 19, 2016
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I just tell the truth. Scars make us remember what we've been through. We should be proud of it, see that no matter those hards times we had, we were strong enough to deal with them.
Oct 20, 2016
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That they're just part of a past. You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable of course. You. It's completely up to you.
Oct 21, 2016
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You can tell them how you got them (without bloody/icky details) or say talking about your scars makes you uncomfortable.
Oct 23, 2016
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"It's alright, I don't mind you asking at all. It's from a surgery I had. It was years ago, and everything turned out fine."
"I feel a little uncomfortable talking about my scars, so I would prefer not to discuss this now. But please don't feel bad about asking, it's completely okay."
Oct 23, 2016
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If they ask about your scars, they shouldn't feel uncomfortable. Normally scars resulting from self-harm is easy to identify.
Oct 28, 2016
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If people are asking about your scars it's unlikely they are uncomfortable with them. I think it's nice to thank someone for asking and for their concern. I also like to say that I have been through some rough times and these are my battle scars from times when I've fought with life rather than embracing it.
Nov 3, 2016
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Tell them what happened to you. You have been through a rough patch but everybody is human and everybody makes mistakes.
Nov 3, 2016
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If you feel comfortable doing so, you can explain to them how you got your scars, or as little about it as you want. If you are uncomfortable telling anyone yet about how you got the scars, then you can simply say that you would rather not talk about it, or make up something you feel comfortable telling people. it should be about your comfort level not theirs.
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