What do I do when I think I've cut too deep?
Dec 13, 2015
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Immediately find a family member! Cutting too deep can be very serious. IF there are no family members around, call your police or ambulance number
Dec 16, 2015
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Apply pressure to the wound and get fabric of some kind to help stop the bleeding. If it's really bad, call an ambulance or tell someone right away. If it really is too deep, you'll need stitches.
Dec 16, 2015
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Inform your parents or close friends to help you, call a hotline, stop cutting and go to the doctor go to a nurse and get that wound wrapped
Dec 17, 2015
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Stop the bleeding is the first thing you need to do if you get the bleeding to stop bandage it but if it doesn't stop bleeding or if it seems to get worse go to the hospital AS SOON AS POSSIBLE/
Dec 18, 2015
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You should stop cutting immediately. If you are bleeding uncontrollably, call 911 for medical help. Put antibiotic ointment over the cuts and wrap them up with an Ace bandage, or cover them with a Band-Aid. Contact a hotline for assistance with your depression, or come on to 7 Cups, where listeners are here to help you. Stay strong!
Dec 18, 2015
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You have to disinfect the scar and put a cloth your something like that around the place where you cut . Put it tightly.
Dec 19, 2015
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If your afraid you cut too deep cover it with a clean cloth to put pressure on it and PLEASE go seek a doctors help just in case.
Dec 24, 2015
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Tell an adult. From their you can you should you clean it out with water and put a band aid on it to protect it from infection. || STAY STRONG
Dec 24, 2015
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Immediatly let someone know. Call 911, or inform anyone you trust in the near vicinity. You can try to treat it yourself, but don't be hesitant to call in outside help.
Dec 24, 2015
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When you think you've cut too deep tell somebody or seek help. If the bleeding doesn't stop it is possible you could bleed out. Also call a self harm: 1-800-784-8433 or suicide hotline:1-800-366-8288 .
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