What do I do when I think I've cut too deep?
Dec 10, 2015
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Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Get a washcloth or something else to cover it and apply and hold pressure on it. Call 911 and try to stay calm. Please be safe, you have a huge community ready and willing to talk to you.
Dec 10, 2015
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First thing first, look for help. Don't feel ashamed to reach for help from a loved one. I'm sure any people that loves you wouldn't mind helping you.
Dec 11, 2015
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you stop. you take a deep breath and find a wash cloth or a towel -press hard on the cut and do not cut again for awhile.
Dec 11, 2015
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Seek medical help immediately, if there's anyone around like friend/family/partner tell them straight away, they wont want anything bad to happen to you and im sure will help you as soon as they can
Dec 11, 2015
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If you think you've cut too deep, the first priority is to calm yourself down. Panicking can only make it worse. Next you absolutely must call 911, your life may be in danger. You have to let go of all your fears of being caught or ridiculed, your safety is what's importsnt here.
Dec 11, 2015
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I go to the ER and tell them that I'm at risk of myself and I need help. It's scary but I think it can also help me prevent this :)
Dec 12, 2015
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Keep pressure on the wound and keep calm. Some small wounds can just have a unexpected amount of blood, depending on where you cut . Keep washing it, and you'll be able to inspect it more clearly. If you think you may have cut a arterie it's extremely important you keep strong pressure on it to keep blood in and call someone immediately. You may begin to feel dizzy and unwell if you cut to deep, and that's when you have to call a doctor.
Dec 12, 2015
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It's very important that you put a pressure on the wound to quickly stop the bleeding, and get to the hospital so they can help you and stitch you up! Please take care of yourself!
Dec 13, 2015
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It depends how serious you think the cut is. If it's gushing blood and you're feeling a little woozy, try to tie something (like rubber bands/string) tightly around your arm/ body part where the blood is flowing FROM. Then, get someone who can fix it up. The most important part is, after that, to go and see a counselor or therapist.
Dec 13, 2015
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The first thing to do is stop the bleeding or cover it up with bandages. Next call 911 or tell an adult.
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