What do I do when I think I've cut too deep?
Jan 6, 2016
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If you think you may have cut too deep you need to seek medical assistance straight away. I can't answer that question.
Jan 7, 2016
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Get medical attention. There are huge risks of either bleeding out or getting an infection. It will be hard but it is necessary.
Jan 7, 2016
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You should call an ambulance as fast as you can, Also, try to stop the bleading yourself if it's possible until the ambulance arrives.
Jan 7, 2016
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If you think you've cut too deep, tell a guardian, parent, family member or call 911. It could be your life on the line if you dont get help right away
Jan 7, 2016
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go to the hospital, tell who ever's in your house,
this can be extremely dangerous, and can cause permanent damage
Jan 9, 2016
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First, put pressure on the cut and if possible lift it above heart level. If the bleeding slows then clean the cut and bandage it tightly. If the blood flow refuses to decrease you should go to the emergency room to get stitches.
Jan 9, 2016
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Immediately tell someone. You need to get help. It might be scary to tell people but if you don't things could go badly
Jan 9, 2016
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I start to cover it up with a towel clean everything away and bandage it up and maybe tell someone I trust
Jan 10, 2016
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Call a doctor imediatelly. Hold the arm or whatever up to make sure you dont lose to much blood. your life depends
Jan 10, 2016
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I would like to advise although it may be unhelpful to do so to take yourself to the ER as soon as possible. Do not wait and see a medical staff in the ER and they should help you.
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